30 ✴️

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"Nice to meet you" Dohyun exclaimed with a smile, eyeing Donghyuck who hesitantly smiled back.
"You must be Dohyun" He remarked as Dohyun nodded "That's me" He hummed.

Donghyuck peered at the boy, suspicion written across his features, Yoonsu noticed his actions as she knitted her brows.

She clasped her fingers around Donghyuck's wrist, causing him to transfer his attention to her.
She pulled him aside, making sure that they were far from Dohyun who was eyeing them in confusion.

Yoonsu stood in front of Donghyuck as she slowly let go of him.
"What's wrong?" She asked lowly, carefully reading the expression on his face. "Nothing." He replied, voice dripping with a hint of suspicion.

Yoonsu gazed up at him, unconvinced. She expelled a sigh and poked his shoulder "I know something's wrong" She stated

"It was nothing." He responded, voice cold as ice. "Talk to him, he looked bored," He glanced at Dohyun and went on "I'll go first"

Yoonsu was taken aback as he slid past her, their shoulders slightly brushing

She didn't continue as Donghyuck didn't stop, instead, he walked further away from her.
Her shoulders dropped, confusion and guilt swirling inside her as a frown was displayed on her face.

Dohyun made his way through her and placed his hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "What happened?"
Yoonsu shrugged, eyes still glued onto the boy who was forcefully dragging himself away from them. She just faked a smile "Not in the mood, I guess" Yoonsu shrugged and transferred her gaze at the boy beside her.

"I'll get going"


Donghyuck sat on his seat, his feet tapping against the floor impatiently. He couldn't concentrate.

He bit the end of his pen as he thought.
What's wrong with me?
He groaned silently, burying his face into his palms.

He raked his fingers through his smooth hair as it effortlessly dropped just above his lashes.

He had this weird feeling in his stomach when he met this stranger, he couldn't even explain it.

Was he tired? No.

Was he angry? No.

Was he jealous? Definitely not.

He felt something more, nostalgic.

Yoonsu opened the door of Donghyuck's room, seeing him sitting on his chair, facing his computer screen. "Hyuck" Yoonsu called out but Donghyuck didn't respond, instead, he just kept his attention to the game he was playing.

Yoonsu expelled a breath as she quietly walked towards him. "Hyuck," she called out once again.

"What?" Donghyuck responded, voice dripping with coldness. Yoonsu was taken aback, as if icicles pierced through her beating heart. "Are you okay?" She still managed to ask, Donghyuck just let out a harsh sigh, clearly annoyed.

"No," He declared, voice still coated with coldness.

What's wrong with him?
Yoonsu thought deeply

Suddenly, Donghyuck stood up, pushing the chair away from him. He turned around, stealing a glance at the girl. Clearing his throat, he slid past her.

Yoonsu grabbed his wrist before he could reach the door handle. She turned him around harshly, eyes burning holes into him. "What's going on hyuck?!"

Yoonsu snapped, Donghyuck was shocked but still managed to keep a straight face. He glared down at her, eyes piercing icicles through her skin. But he ripped his gaze from her, looking somewhere else.

Yoonsu sighed, eyes softening. She placed her small and warm palms on his cheeks. "Look at me please" She pleaded, voice softer than before.

Donghyuck gulped, Adam's apple bobbing as he did so.

He hesitantly turned his head to look at her, their eyes soon locked as they stared at each other. "What's bothering you, hyuck? Why are you acting like this?" Yoonsu asked, carefully reading his expression as it slowly changed into a confused one.

"I-I don't know" He quietly responds, eyes looking locked with hers.
"I don't know why I-"

Yoonsu suddenly crashed her lips onto his, causing Donghyuck to stiffen, eyes wide in shock.
At first, it was almost as if he didn't want to kiss her, his lips were hard on hers. Yoonsu suddenly regretted what she was doing, she slowly pulled away, blood rushing to her cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry, I d-didn't mean to-"

He then put both of his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. He connected their lips again, not letting her continue her sentence as his eyes automatically closed. His lips softened. She could feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest, as if it was about to jump out.

Yoonsu's hands trailed from his back as she wound it into his soft hair.

Donghyuck drew away from her, eyes immediately meeting. His expression was soft as he stared intently at her, scanning every features on her face.

Little did they know that this might be the last time they'd face each other


"Hey Yoon!"

Yoonsu turned her head, seeing Dohyun running towards her, a smile plastered on his face.
"What is it?" She asked confused

"Do you have any plans tonight?" He asks, eyes constantly blinking. Yoonsu stared at him, thinking. She eventually shook her head, "I don't think so. Why?"

Dohyun's eyes seemed to sparkle the moment he heard her reply. "Great! I'm inviting you for dinner," he went on "8:00 pm at xxx restaurant"

Yoonsu walked along the dark and empty alley. The lamppost flickering, the wind blowing through her hair.
She wasn't sure if she was going towards the right address. She glanced around and sensed something, like someone was following behind her, she heard quiet footsteps. She quickly turned around, not seeing anyone.

She knitted her brows in suspicion. She managed to shrug her shoulders and continued walking. But then she felt something covering her mouth, she screamed in horror, but it was muffled.

"Nice to meet you miss" An unknown person hissed through his gritted teeth, his hands gripping tightly against her mouth, nails digging into her cheeks

"I'm bringing you somewhere. Let's say,"


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