Chapter 19

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That night, Bruce went out on patrol on his own. Dick was still with the Team, so he would have to go solo one more night. He would be back tomorrow though, so that was good.

He was out on patrol when he saw another one of those people from before. She had grey skin and fiery blue hair. She also had a purple guitar swung over her back. Currently, she was breaking into a music store. Batman knew he was outmatched, so he pulled out the device that boy had given him...

~time skip~

Danny was flying over city hall when his ears started ringing. Batman had just used the signal. He quickly started flying towards it.

When Danny arrived, he saw that Ember was making a mess of a music store. "What, did 'Remember' not make the top 100?"

She turned around and glared at him. "I'm going to end you dipstick!"

He landed next to Batman, "Think you could turn that thing off?" Batman pressed the button. "Thanks. Watch out, with that guitar she is able to hypnotize people so don't get too close." Batman just watched as he took on the rock star.

Once the battle was over, Danny was exhausted. In the end, he had to use his ghostly wail to beat her and that took a lot out of him. Once he had sent her back into the Ghost Zone, he collapsed onto a park bench.

Batman took a seat next to him, "Good work."

Danny sighed, "Thanks..."

"Are you tired?" he asked.

Danny chuckled, "Yeah, that last attack I used takes a lot out of me."

Batman nodded, "You know, I think I underestimated you."

Danny looked over at him, "Yeah?"

He nodded, "When we first met you, I saw you as a potential threat. Now, I believe you are trying to do good."

Danny smiled, "That is the goal. I just feel bad that my being here is causing so much trouble."

Batman looked at him confused, "You said you just moved here. Why did you leave your home?"

Danny looked down sadly, "I wasn't able to stay there..."

Batman nodded, "I won't pry into your personal business... however... I did want to ask you something..."

"What is it?" he asked.

Batman looked him in the eyes, "What would you think about joining a team?"

Danny looked confused, "What kind of team?"

"As you may know, I am a part of the Justice League," he stated, "Well, the Justice League mentors a team of heroes around your age. We send them on missions and train them to eventually take our places in the League. I'm asking if you would like to join that team?"

"Is that where Robin is right now?" he asked.

Batman nodded, "Yes, Robin is a member of the team. Right now, he is on a mission. You are very talented Danny, and frankly, if we come up against people like you, I'd like to have you on our side so we can beat them."

Danny thought about it. Being on this team could help learn more about Vlad. But he would also have to be very careful about his secret... "Alright, I'll join. But I have a couple of conditions. I don't have to tell you, people, anything about me that you don't already know." Batman nodded. "And if we come up against one of my people, I get to call the shots. I know what they are like."

Batman nodded, "Those both sound reasonable." He held his hand out to Danny. "Meet me here tomorrow night, and I will take you to meet the team." Danny nodded before flying off. He just prayed he wasn't making a mistake by joining.

~time skip~

Batman stepped through the Zeta tube in the Batcave. When he stepped out, he was standing in Mount Justice. The truth was, the mission was already complete, he was just giving Dick a few days to relax before going back to school. The rest of the kids were doing the same thing.

When Batman walked in, he saw they were all watching a movie in the living room. Aqualad was the first to notice him and paused the movie. "Batman, this is a surprise."

He walked in front of them. "Good work on your latest mission Team. However, that is not why I am here." They all looked him confused. "Robin has most likely informed you about the hero named Danny Phantom." They nodded again. "Well, tonight I had another run-in with him. And I decided to offer him a place on the team." They all looked at him surprised. "I will be bringing him by tomorrow for you to meet him. The reason I gave him this invitation, was that there is a new kind of villain that have been causing trouble in Gotham. They all seem to be acquainted with this boy. If the Justice League ever has to go up against them, I wanted to have him on our side. Not to mention, it lets us keep an eye on him."

Megan grinned, "This is so exciting! We get a new member!"

Wally smiled, "Man, this guy sounds like a total boss! He's going to be a great asset to the team!"

Aqualad turned to Batman, "How much do we know about this boy?"

Batman sighed, "Not as much as I would like, but I hoped that by having him join the team, we would eventually be able to discover more. I know he has strange abilities, but I have no idea how he got them. I also have no idea if we have even seen everything he can do yet. We do know that people like him have a weakness known as Blood Blossoms. He has also given me a device that can harm them by emitting an extremely high-pitched frequency. I'll be bringing him by tomorrow." With that, he left leaving the others to wonder what their new teammate would be like...

(A/N - Thanks for reading everyone. Good luck with finals! :) Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

A New Teammate and A New Family (A Danny Phantom and Young Justice Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt