Chapter 25

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Danny and Wulf flew through a window of Frostbite's palace.

"Great one! Thank goodness you are here!" Frostbite greeted.

Danny looked at him concerned, "What's wrong Frostbite?"

"It's about Vlad." Danny listened intently. "Plasmius has been seen breaking into a series of labs across the country. Someplace called 'Star Labs'. He breaks into a lab, looks around, then leaves. So far, he hasn't taken anything."

Danny frowned, "It sounds like he's looking for something specific. This Star Labs place must have it, but he doesn't know which location has what he's looking for..."

Frostbite nodded, "That's what we thought as well. Here is the really odd thing, while Plasmius is committing these crimes, Vlad Masters is at his home in Wisconsin."

"What?" Danny asked, "That doesn't make sense... unless he made a duplicate of himself, but to be able to cast it all the way across the country..."

Frostbite sighed, "It seems that Vlad is becoming more powerful."

"But why is Vlad bothering with doubles?" Danny asked. "Normally he would never get his own hands dirty. He would send the ectopuses, or one of the other ghosts he controlled..."

Frostbite shrugged, "Maybe the item he is looking for is something only he would recognize. I am sorry for disturbing you while you were having fun, but I thought you would want to know this."

Danny nodded, "Thanks for telling me. Hey is Dani here? I wanted to make sure she didn't forget about next week."

Frostbite scoffed, "Forget?! All that girl has been talking about for the last week is your 'playdate'. Trust me, she hasn't forgotten."

Danny grinned, "Okay. Well, I'll see you!" Wulf opened a portal for him, and he flew back into the land of the living. What could Vlad be up to...

~time skip~

Danny decided that he needed to clear his head. And the best way to do that was go out on patrol. As he flew through Gotham, he saw Bruce and Dick fighting some thugs in front of a bank. He considered lending them a hand, but they seemed to have it under control. Besides, there was more still to come...

"What could he need from Star labs?" Danny asked himself. He had done some research about it earlier, and it seemed like Star labs was the Justice League's personal cleanup crew. Any time the League found something peculiar on one of their missions, they would take it to Star labs to be examined. However, as far as Danny could tell, no one on the League knew of the existence of ghosts. So, what kind of item could Vlad be looking for?

"Hey! Pipsqueak!"

Danny looked up and rolled his eyes. Hovering above him, was his least favorite motorcyclist. He flew up to him, "What do you want Johnny?"

"Okay, here me out!" he said quickly. "I'm not here to cause you any trouble." He looked around nervously. "I hear you are interested in what Plasmius is up to these days..."

Danny looked at him confused. "How did you know that?"

"Word gets around quick in the Ghost Zone." He answered. "Rumor is, Frostbite sent a couple guys to keep an eye on him. Well, I think I might know something they don't."

Danny looked at him skeptically, "And how would you know that?"

"Because he asked me to work for him." He replied. "A few months ago. But I turned him down. Kitty and I are trying to get out of the haunting business."

"What did he want you to do?" Danny was curious now.

"I don't know all the details," he continued. "But I think he wanted me to steal something from some lab."

Danny sighed, "Thanks Johnny, but we know all of that already."

"Do you know what he's after?"


"Do you know what he is looking for in those labs?" Danny shook his head. Johnny smiled, "I do." This caught Danny's attention. "He's looking for the pieces to some kind of gauntlet... he was able to use the thing once before it broke. So now he's looking for a part to fix it. Apparently, he thinks one of those labs might have something that can repair it..."

Danny's eyes went wide, "He must be trying to use the Reality Gauntlet! But... I destroyed it..."

Johnny shook his head, "I don't know what to tell you, kid, he must have found some way to put it back together."

Danny looked at him, "Why are you telling me all of this? You and I haven't exactly been best friends in the past."

He sighed, "Look, when Vlad started going around telling everyone in the Ghost Zone where you had gone, I got suspicious. I thought, he must have been plotting some way to get back at you. To be honest, I didn't care a whole lot. I figured I would just mind my own business. But then... I saw this..." he reached into his coat and pulled out a newspaper clipping. Danny looked down; it was talking about the incident. "News reaches the Ghost Zone pretty slow, but once it's there, everyone knows about it."

"They all know?" Danny asked quietly.

He nodded, "For some of us, it's been centuries since we were human, but we all remember what it was like losing someone. What I'm trying to say, we aren't going to come after you anymore. At least, not your main foes anyway, we can't really control some of the others."

"Really?" Danny was in shock.

He gave him a smile, "We figured, you've been through enough. Now, are we going to stop by every once and a while to pull a prank on ya? Of course! But we've decided to bury the hatchet."

Danny grinned at him, "Thank you, Johnny, that... really means a lot..."

Johnny hopped on his bike and gave him a smile. "Don't sweat it, kid. I hope the info I had could be of some use to you." With that, he flew off into the night, and Danny was left to think about what had just happened. This had been a very strange day... 

(A/N - Thanks for reading! Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

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