Chapter 15

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Once I parked outside Jayden's the motivation to actually go in was lost. I should probably go home. Things were particularly heavy today and I didn't want to bring that mood around anyone else.

I just don't think it's fair.

So, sat outside Jayden's, deciding whether or not to go in, I decide to ring Cole.

"Hey Ives." He tiredly groans into the phone, it was what? 1pm? But he probably had hungover.

"Hi, how are you feeling?"

"Is it bad if I say a little drunk still." Cole laughs and I just sigh, the amusements there but I just can't be bothered.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, I didn't fight him or anything, at the time I thought it was hilarious."

"Oh, I just assumed that's why you needed picking up."

"I was just drunk." Cole hums and I pause at his voice. I really miss him. Not the sex or anything like that. Although I have been missing sex. I just miss hanging out with him. It was so easy, no complicated history.

"So, if I remember rightly, you tried to hang up a few times. What were you doing that was more important than rescuing your drunk friend." Cole pokes and I just sigh again.

"I'm having a really shit day today." I say, not answering his question, but just sharing how I was feeling.

"The usual?" He asks and I hum a noise of confirmation.

"Where are you?"

"Outside Jayden's." I say.

"Is that a good idea?" Cole says and I just laugh humourlessly.


"Then go home."

"I don't want to."

"Did something happen yesterday that triggered it today?" Cole starts and I just frown.

If I go in there, will they think I'm sad because I had an argument with Jackson? Because it really wasn't anything to do with that. It was the dream and now the PTSD playing up.

"No, nothing happened yesterday."

"What were you doing when I called?" Cole asks again and I just sigh. I had no issue in telling him about my night with Jackson, but for some reason I just didn't want him to think Jackson was the reason I was feeling bad.

"I was asleep in a car with Jackson."



"With Jackson, Jackson?"



"We were talking and fell asleep."

"And you don't think it's related to how you're feeling today."

"The only thing that's related is that we talked a little about the trial."

"Ivy, I thought you weren't going to go there again with him?"

"I just- I'm not going anywhere with him. Babe, I am just worried about the boy and we had a huge argument and we like full on screamed at each other and it was such a mess but I just, I know he's not ok. And I just can't ignore it."

"You're telling me that he shouted at you and you still went and got in a car with him and then fell asleep next to him?" Cole asks and I huff.

The judgment was not needed.

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