Chapter 37

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eek:) The story gets fun now. Please leave comments and love! 

I don't remember drifting off, but I must have done because I'm woken softly by Jackson in the morning I stare at him in confusion as to why, on earth, he is awake when it doesn't even look properly light outside yet.

"Morning." He whispers and I move away from him slightly, wincing as the guy was laid on my hair.

"Have you even slept?" I mumble and rub my eyes, a yawn escaping me as I stare at him, pretty grumpy, confused.

"Yes." He says and gently moves so that his arm wasn't on my hair anymore. "It's early but I wanna go somewhere."

"What time is it?"


"Jackson when did you even fall asleep?" I ask, knowing he struggles to sleep anyway. Usually he wouldn't have even been asleep 2 hours yet.

"When you did, like 1. That's why I'm wide awake now."

I can hear my parents down stairs and I am honestly so confused. Waking up to people being wide away is very disorientating. Like it's normal to usually still be asleep right? It's a Saturday morning.

"I'm tired." I groan and lay back down, hiding my face into him as he chuckles gently.

"I know. But look at the weather."

I lift my head and peer over his shoulder to the slight crack in the curtains.

"It's raining." I deadpan and he shakes his head at me.

"It's drizzly, and windy and perfect to go and show you the way the sea mist rolls in, and the freshness of a cold morning by the sea."

"You wanna go to the beach." I lie back down and shake my head. "Why are my parents up." I say, more to myself than to him, trying to rack my brains.

"They said yesterday that they were going to drive up early to see your dad's mum something about a cat?"

I remember.

"Oh yeah." I mumble, my words muffled by Jackson's chest.

"I wanna go to the cliffs." He corrects my earlier statement and I shake my head again, moving closer into him as I try to pretend he doesn't actually want me to wake up. I am literally placed almost under him, my hand clinging onto his top and my other one hugging him to me.

His hand runs through my tangled hair, his chest bouncing slightly in amusement. "You're always so affectionate in the morning."

He pauses, I guess not meaning to say what he said, and waits for me to move away from him.

But I don't.

"I'm affectionate because I don't wanna move." I mumble and he pulls my hair slightly, aiming my head so my eyes connect with his.


I glower at him, upset that I was pulled away from his warmth and upset because my scalp is sensitive.


I groan and roll away from him, muttering to myself about Jackson and the way he says please and the way that I can't say no, and the way I'm going to be cold and it's going to be wet and the way that I'm not even in the slightest bit upset. Not really.

Just grumpy. But I like that neither of us seem to be pulling away. Usually he would have left, or I would have.

"Is that a yeah?" He chuckles and I throw a glare at him over my shoulder to which he just laughs at.

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