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Friday June, 12th


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    "You were raised by a dragon?" Sokka said standing up and pointing at me. I nodded my head.

    "Where do you think this was from?" I asked lifting my sleeve to show my fire dragon mark. "Did you think I got this tattoo just because it looked cool?" I laughed before rolling my sleeve back down.

    "Well, I got these..." Aang pointed to his arrows, "because it was apart of my culture, I thought it was a Fire Nation thing." Aang said looking at me.

    "Wow, I had no idea you were raised by an actual dragon." Katara gasped, "I thought they have been extinct for years! That's so cool!" She said running and sitting on my bench to get close to me. "No wonder you are so good at fire bending! You were taught by the original benders!"

    "It's not that cool..." I blushed looking away, I wasn't used to all this attention. Then I got serious, "though that's also the reason that I cant teach Aang fire bending." I put my hands together and looked at the floor.

    "I was wondering this for a while." Aang leaned on his staff. "Why wont you teach me?"

    I sighed, "because a Dragon can only take in one student that's not family." I looked away.

    "Well, you can just teach me! I'll just be your only student!" Aang smiled, "if that's okay, of course!" It made me frown more.

    "That's the problem." I looked deep into Aang's eyes. "I already have a student."

    "Well, who is it? I can learn from them then!" My frown deepened.

    "It's Fire Prince, Zuko." I watched as shock and fear entered the eyes of everyone around me.

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    Later that day Katara came running into the igloo. I was the only one there, and I was writing a letter to Zuko, which was a bit of a struggle because the ink kept freezing, making me have to unfreeze it with my fire every few minutes. "Kaida!" She said with a smile.

    I put down my brush and turned myself to the side, "What's up Katara?" I smiled, she was the only one who kept treating me normal. Even Aang was upset of who my student was, to the point that he was ignoring me.

     "I got in!" She cheered and I jumped to my feet with surprise.

     "He's going to teach you?!" I squealed before running over to her. We squealed together before embracing each other. "I'm so happy for you!" Then I pulled back, "what made him change his mind?"

    She put one hand to her necklace that was from her mother. "Turns out! Master is in love with my grandmother!" She said delighted, "he made this for her!" My eyes widened.

    "Oh my god. What a small world!" I hugged her again, I was so happy she had gotten what she dreamed of. "We need to celebrate!" I pulled her hand towards the door.

    "We can't stay out late. I have to be at the palace to train at dawn."

     "I promise we won't be." I smiled as I pulled her hand and ran up the side of the iceberg that the Water Tribe lived on.

    Soon we made it to the top, "stand there." I said pointing to a spot on the snow. "I have been dying to do this," I smiled getting into my fighting stance. I shot my fire into the sky and it dispersed into a firework.

The Little DragonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon