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Thursday, June 18th


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I was napping in Sokka's blanket when he started screaming with excitement! "There it is!" I sat up, throwing my blanket off.

"Yes! No more flying!" We have been on Appa for days. We have left the Water Tribe the day after the failed envision, and now we were on the way to one of the Earth Kingdom war bases. Our reason for being here is to help get Aang an Earth Bending teacher.

It was all walled up, with a very large circular tower in the middle. Appa started his descent and in my view I was a bearded man with a green cap, wearing brown and green armor step forward. We landed and I instantly jumped off. "Land!!" I cried getting to my knees and started to hug the floor. "I missed you so much!"

"Welcome, Avatar Aang!" I heard the General who if I remember correctly was named, General Fong. I looked to my friends to see if they were paying as little as attention to this guy as I was. I saw Sokka stretching, Katara being mature and bringing down the supplies from Appa. Then Aang was rubbing his back. I looked back to Fong who was bowing along with many rows of soldiers behind him.

"I am General Fong. And welcome to all of you, great heroes!" I watched his eyes move down the line, "Appa, Momo, brave Sokka, mighty Katara, the Lengendary Little Dragon." I rolled my eyes, what a suck-up this guy was. I wonder what Zuko would say to him...

"Mighty Katara?" I glanced at Katara who looked pleased. I raised a brow, did she really believe the load of crap this guy was feeding us. I crossed my arms over my chest, something is off about this guy and I didn't like it.

Fireworks explode behind us, making me want to jump out of my skin. We turned to look up at them. I glanced at Katara, "I think mine are cooler." I huffed, I haven't even been here for ten minutes and I already hate it more than the freezing Water Tribe.

"Yours are," Katara nodded looking up at the sky, "but this is pretty nice. They are finally honoring us." She had a smile on her face. I looked back at Fong, I don't know, but something really seems off.

"Not bad, not bad," Sokka said clapping his hands amused. I rolled my eyes again. I turned back to Fong. I had no care for honor, only the duty to do good.

"We have things to discuss," I said to Fong. He glared at me which made me raised a brow. I narrowed my own in challenge. "Now." If he is going to be that way, fine, it takes two to tango.

"Please come this way." Fong lead us into the tall building.

"Hey, Kaida," Aang brushed up against me. "What wrong?" He asked peering up at me.

My voice dropped into a whisper, "I don't like this guy."

"Why? He seems like a good guy?" Sokka whispered pretty loudly to me. I shook my head with disbelief, does he need to say it any louder?

"I don't know..." My voice trailed off as we entered a large room, with green-lit columns on each side of a central walkway. A desk is seen at the far end, with a large banner showing a green circle and a brown square inside of it hanging from the ceiling. We walked to the middle of the room, right in front of the desk and kneeled down.

"Avatar Aang, we were all amazed at the stories of how you single-handedly wiped out an entire Fire Navy fleet at the North Pole." He started to stroke his beard. Gosh, everything this man did I hated. Was it the Fire Nation in me? "I can't imagine what it feels like to wield such devastating power." He stopped stroking his beard. "It's an awesome responsibility."

Aang spoke next to me, "I try not to think about it too much."

"Avatar... you're ready to face the Fire Lord now." He said with a smile.

I stood up in shock, "are you insane?" I said in disbelief.

Aang started to back me up, clearly alarmed with this statement, "What?! No I'm not!"

"Aang still needs to master all four elements." Katara displayed a hand towards Aang.

"No offense Aang, I say this from the heart, he would die if he fought Fire Lord Ozai right now." I glanced at Aang who was nodding in agreement before looking back to Fong.

"Why?" I saw his eyes narrowed, he rose from his desk a newfound anger flaming within him, "With the kind of power he possesses—power enough to destroy hundreds of battleships in a matter of minutes—he could defeat the Fire Lord now!" I shook my head.

"I've seen the Fire Nation troops first hand, he doesn't stand a chance," I spoke crossing my arms again. "I will not stand for you sending the Avatar that only has mastered two out of the four elements on a suicide mission."

Sokka raised to stand, "and sir, the thing is Aang can only do those things when he's in the Avatar state."

"See, it's this special state where—" Aang started to speak but was cut off.

"I'm well aware. " He interrupted now heated with rage. He took a deep breath before proceeding. "Your eyes and tattoos glow and you're able to summon unbelievable power." I followed his every move as he walked around his desk.

"Without you, we'd be slaughtered before we even reach their shores." He crossed his hands like he was trying to copy me. "But with you leading the way as the ultimate weapon, we could cut a swath right through to the heart of the Fire Nation." He points to the map that was laid out on his desk. He drew a finger from the Earth Kingdom, where we were, to the Fire Nation.

Aang started to speak with uncertainty, "Right... but I'm don't know how to get in or out of the Avatar state, much less what to do once I'm there." I huffed, I can't believe we are still entertaining this idea, I say we get out of here.

"So it's decided then. I'll help you figure out how to get into the Avatar state, and then you'll face your destiny." This ruffled all four of are feathers.

"You're crazy!" I shouted, hands out wide. "Insane. Bonkers. Didn't you hear what I was saying?"

"You are Fire Nation. You could betray us at any moment." He shot a glare at me which made me reel back like I had been slapped. I scrunched up my nose and was preparing my comeback when Katara spoke.

"No, nothing's decided. We already have a plan. Aang's pursuing his destiny his way." I nodded my head with her.

"Well, while you take your time learning the elements, the war goes on. May I show you something?"

I looked at Aang and shook my head. "If the Avatar goes into unprepared and dies, it will truly be the end of the war." I narrowed my eyes. "We cannot go in unprepared!" I shouted my hands going into fists.

Fong ignored me and Aang look back with worried eyes. I huffed, crossed my arms once more, "fine, go see what he has to show." I turned my back to the lot of them. "I'm going down to Appa."

"Kaida! Wait!" Katara shouted after me but I was already walking. I opened the insanely large doors before closing it behind me.

"This is so stupid. I can't believe we are giving this guy the time of day." I stomped my way all the way down the step. When I got to the bottom I saw Appa laying down. When he saw me he raised his head, tilting it to the side.

"Hey buddy," I smiled rubbing his head before climbing onto him. "Appa." I called out his name. "What would you do if I burnt this place to the ground?" I looked back to see Appa raise his head and let out a groan.

I laughed, "Yeah, alright, I won't." I pulled out my bag and grabbed the ink, paper, and brush.

Little did I know, that I would only get angrier with the news I was about to hear.
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