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Sunday, July 26th


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Finding one of the gAang's trails was a lot easier than finding Appa's. By the time I was at the door I was so tired, I could barely stand up. I knocked on the door, slumped over waiting for them to answer. It was Sokka who opened the door and right behind him was the now large Hyo.

"Kaida?" I saw his eyes widen at the sight of me he leaned against the door frame looking at me with surprise. I cracked a smile.

"Hi." I looked over his shoulder to see Aang and Katara hustling over towards the door. "I have news, can I come in?" Toph walked behind them in her own swaggered way.

"Yes! Yes of course!" Katara pushed Sokka out of the way making room for me. I walked in and made my way towards the low table in the room. I slumped in and laid on the ground by the table. "What's wrong Kaida?" Katara drew out her water and started to heal my weary bones.

I sat up with a grunt and looked Aang dead in the eyes. "Appa is in the city."

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We were on our way all the way back towards the warehouse. Though I rode on Hyo most of the time, pointing out directions. Then all of a sudden Jet walked out into the street, blocking our path. We all came to a stop.

"Avatar?" He looked up to Aang who was on the rooftops flying to our destination. "I think I can help you." He looked at me, and his eyes widened. "You are back with your friends. Have you finally realized you have been traveling with Fire Benders."

I saw Sokka open his mouth and I gave him a little spark. Katara's shocked blush transforms into a look of pure outrage. With a sweep of her arms, she bends up a pair of towering waves from the stream behind her, sending them crashing towards him.

"Katara! Wait I've changed!" Hey, let out a yell before being swept away by the water. I reached out towards him, and I felt that his flame and a chill rolled down my skin. It's been smothered, just like the soldier that took him away.

"Tell it to some other girl, Jet!" Katara said, and I jumped off Hyo and grabbed her arm.

"Leave him, we have to go we don't have time to wait." I pulled her into a run, and everyone followed behind me. My legs groaned in protest, I don't want to run for the rest of my life after this. If I was taking count I probably ran for a good 40 miles. At least.

"I don't want to fight you! I'm here to help." Jet said trailing behind us.

Katara was about to speak but my grip on her arm tightened, "leave it." I gasped out as she told me all the way back at the Water Tribe, old friends do not describe you as a person.

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We reached the warehouse and it was just as empty as how I saw it the first time. The man was not sweeping up the fur. He did a lot of work in the last time I saw him, now there were only a few piles left. "There's nothing here."

I nodded my head. "But his trail was here, which means he was in the city and likely still is." I walked deeper into the warehouse.

"He was here!" Toph has discovered a handful of white fur, and the other rushes to her side.

Aang started stroking the clump of fur sadly, "We missed him." Then he turned drawing his staff on me like he was about to attack me, "why didn't you save him when you could! Is this a trap?!"

A trap? What? Where did that even come from? My eyes widen before narrowing, "if he was here when I was here, I would've burnt this place down while I could." I grabbed his staff shoving it back towards him. I didn't like Aang questioning my loyalty. "You told me to come to get you when I got a trail. I got a trail."

"Burn?" Jet was now behind us again. I turned my eyes still narrowed in a glare.

"Yes Jet, burn." I raised my hand and lit it up with a flame. I was done lying. I was done trying to help people yet they question it. I saw fear light up in his eyes, knowing he has been played all along.

"You knew you were traveling with Fire Benders!" Jet shouted at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm leaving. I did my job." I crossed my arms, who knew I would have to run all this way only to be treated like I could've done more, and then thinking I've set them up.

"Wait Kaida I'm sorry-" Aang started talking but Jet grabbed my shoulder, spinning me to face him.

"You lied to me." I slapped his hand off of me. I shrugged my shoulders, does this what it feels like to burn a bridge?

"Because you would treat me like this." I pointed a finger to his chest, pushing him backward. "It's all Fire Benders are this, all Fire Benders do that." I put both my hands on his chest and shoved him away from me, pushing him to the floor.

I let out a cry in frustration, "there's no point." I grabbed my head. There was no point getting mad, but just the thought of them treating me like this.

"Screw this," I turned my back to all of them. "It's never been enough," I said quietly before glaring at Jet, the fire within me raging, I could feel the steam coming up from within me.

I turned and saw the look in Aang's eyes, my fire wavered. He looked scared and defeated and at a loss all at once. I felt all my anger disappear at once. He needed help, and badly, "Hyo," I whistled for Hyo who came running towards me. Everyone watched as the dragon came to me. I knocked my head against his. "Help them."

"Kaida, no, don't do this." Katara stepped forward, "we need you. Only you can help find Appa." Then her eyes widen and she shook her head, "no wait, we need you more than just that."

I let out a sigh, I understood where she was getting at, though her words struck me like a knife. I was just a tool, and with that in mind, I calmly started to speak, "now that Hyo knows his trail he will help you find Appa. I'm going back to-" where was a going back to? "Square one."

"Kaida, I'm sorry." Aang stepped forward. "I didn't mean to get mad at you." I shook my head sadly.

"I know." I smiled slightly, "I understand." Then I shot a glare at Jet who was still on the floor. "I'm sorry too, I lost my cool." Jet nodded his head still in shock. I think this was the first time I lost a grip on my fire. I bowed my head, "I'll take my leave, goodbye."

I started to walk towards the entrance and looked up at the sky. As much as I wanted to let this group go after today, I couldn't. I couldn't leave my job half done.

     So, it was time to find this bison by myself, again. I laughed at the thought. But before that, I should grab the milk that Iroh wanted.

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