Chapter 5

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Anna's POV

I'm so nervous. I'm going to meet the kid that I was supposed to be a mother to. She is basically my daughter then.

Edward told me to come to their house so we could be more comfortable. I'm also nervous because of that. I'm going to live there in a few months.

I didn't know what to wear but then decided on a white crop top with thin straps and blue jeans. I slipped in my shoes and tied the laces.

I called the cab and gave a driver the address. After 10 minutes or so, we arrived at big mansion. I gawked at the house in awe. It's so pretty and beautiful.

After I payed my far, I entered the big door. Driveway was also big and there were few cars different colors. I knocked on the front door and not surprisingly, Edward opened it.

He checked me from head to toe and his eyes darkened. He moved aside motioning me to come in.

"Get inside." I passed past him and waited for him to close the door.
"Where is Sofia?" I ask looking around this beautiful mansion.
"She is upstairs. Go sit in in the living room, I'll go get her." Does he really have to be so rude? I brushed off his rude behaviour and found my way to the living room.

This room is huge. Probably the biggest living room, I ever saw. There are two black leather couches with matching armchair. And there is enormous TV across them. I could get used to this.

I soon heard giggles coming in the living room. I turned around to see Edward holding a hand to a beautiful little girl. She is so gorgeous and she got her father's look which I'm not complaining about. I mean they are both really pretty looking.

I smiled at her showing my white teeth. She seemed to be in some daze before she looked over at Edward.

"Daddy she is very pretty."
"She is." He smiled to her. I blushed at their words and his smile is really beautiful. But as soon as he looked over at me his smile disappeared and he replaced it with a stern look like always.

I ignored him and crounched down to her eye level.
"Thank you Sofia. You are really gorgeous too." I smiled when I saw her cheeks getting pink.
"Thank you." She smiled shyly. I just want to squish her chubby cheeks.

"How about you two get to know each other and I'll come when is dinner time." Edward said.
"Daddy you won't play with us?" Sofia said with a pout. Aww.
"No princess. I need to work but I will come for the dinner, okay?"

"Princess maybe you should go to your room and prepare toys while I talk to Anna about something."

She nodded and ran off upstairs. She seems really active kid since she has a speed for running that fast. I lifted myself and turned to look at him.

"While I'm gone, I don't want any problem to occur. Dinner time is around 7 o'clock and I'll be here by then."
"Okay." I say.
"Better." He went upstairs and I followed him as I remebered that Sofia is waiting for me. He pointed to the door on the left and I nodded. The doors were open and I saw Sofia already on the chair with tea cups on it.

I sat at the floor and criss crossed my legs.
"We are having a tea party." She giggled.
"May I ask if you would pour me some tea, princess?" I acted the same as her which seemed to excite her.

She poured invisible tea in the white princess cup in front of me. I acted as I was drinking it on which she giggled. She is really bubbly kid and always happy as I see.

"The tea is really delicious, my princess."
"There is actually no tea, mommy." She giggled but once she realized what she said she covered her mouth with her small hand. I got some really happy feeling inside me when she called me mommy.

"I'm sorry for calling you mommy."
"Why are you sorry?" I ask confused.
"Daddy told me to not call you mommy yet."
"Daddy huh?" I say annoyed. This idiot. She nodded her head.
"Sofia, do you want me to be your mommy?" I ask her softly. She again nodded her head causing her braids to bounce.
"Then I'm your mommy and you can call me like that." I smiled.

She squealed and jumped in my arms. I catched her and hugged her tightly. She is so innocent and fragile little girl. I just can't say anything that will hurt her.

"Thank you mommy." She smiled and her eyes sparkled.
"Thank you too for accepting me." She put big wet kiss on my cheek.
"You are the prettiest mommy ever." She said.
"Thank you." I kissed her forehead and got up. I lifted her up and sat her on my hip.
"Do you want to show mommy the kitchen?" She nodded her head.

I exited the room with her in my arms and she pointed to the stairs. I climbed downstairs and she pointed to the right. There was a big open kitchen with huge island. I saw her high chair and put her inside.

"Do you want me to bake cookies?" I ask her.
''You know how to bake?" She widened her eyes as she couldn't believe what I just said.
"Of course I know." I said proud of myself.
"That's is so cool mommy. Can I help you?"
"Sure, but I need to take the ingredients first, okay?" She nodded her head in anticipation.

I searched through every cupboard until I found everything I needed. I took her out of her chair and put her on the island carefully. We were making cookie dough together and all I can say about her is that she is really precious.

After cookies were done, I put them in a plate. I wondered who is making dinner when there is nobody in the house then some older woman I now know as Mary entered the house.

She introduced herself as Sofia's nanny and a cook in this house. She was happy when I introduced myself as Edward's fiancee even if I'm not so happy. I took Sofia to the living room and played some cartoons on the TV until dinner was ready.

She was sitting in my lap leaned on my chest when I heard the door opening. I turned around to see Edward with some suitcase in his hand. He looked over to us, loosening his tie.

"Hello princess." He smiled at her and picked her up.
"Hi daddy."
"Were you good today?"
"I was. Me and mommy were playing then we baked cookies."

He looked over at me with furrowed eyebrows. I raised my eyebrow at him but he brushed it off and turned to look at Sofia.

"That's great. You need to wash your hands now then we are going to eat a dinner, okay?" She nodded her head and he kissed her cheek then put her down.

After she runned to the bathroom, he looked at me in confusion.
"What?" I ask annoyed.
''I told her to call me mommy after a certain person said no."
"I just thought you would be uncomfortable with it."
"I'm not." Sofia came back and pulled my hand towards the dinning room.

There were three plates set up with different food on a table. I sat next to the Edward and Sofia sat next to me. I cut her food in small pieces so she could chew easily. I noticed that Edward was staring at me but ignored it.

"Daddy can mommy stay for tonight, please?" She made puppy eyes.
"If she wants to." He shrugged.
"Will you mommy?"
"I can stay." I couldn't say no to this cute face so I accepted.

She squealed and hugged me. I'm actually proud that I can be a mother to such cute and kind little girl. She really can lighten everyone's mood quickly.

Sofia was sleepy so we put her in a bed and Edward led me to the guest room. He told me he would bring his shirt for me to sleep in because he doesn't have any woman's clothes.

I laid in a bed after I changed myself. This was really excited day. I actually became Sofia's mom and I like it. His shirt smells nice and just lures me to sleep. And that's exactly what I did.

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