Chapter 15

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Anna's POV

It's been two weeks since the encounter with the whore. My babygirl was scared for the rest of the day but next day was all bubbly again. I was so happy too see her like that again.

I told her to not tell Edward what happened because he will go all crazy. And I'll be the one at fault, I know that. He has some anger issues and then he blames everything on me. I mean, I got that your are stressed at work and all that, but I'm not at fault for that.

Sometimes I want to cry out of frustration but I forget everything when he hugs me while sleeping. Is this what love makes you like? I just want us to be a family, a normal one.

I was snapped out of my thought when Sofia tapped my arm with her tiny hand.

''What are you thinking about mommy?''
''Nothing baby. Have you finished?''
''I have.'' She smiled.

I pick up her plate and put it in a sink. I took her out from her chair and went in the living room with her. I sat her on my lap as I sat down on a couch.

''What were you doing today in the kindergarten?''
''We were playing outside and then we were learning body parts.''
''Oh really? Can you show me what you learnt?''
''This is hair. This is head. This is nose. Ears. Mouth. Cheeks. And eyes.''
'' are really smart.''
''Because you are my mommy.'' She giggled.

I smiled and started tickling her stomach. She laughed so loudly that I thought my ear drums will be gone. But she is so cute. I stopped when I heard the door opening and turned around to see Edward coming inside.

''Daddy!'' Sofia squealed and jumped off my lap. He picked her up and kissed her cheek.
''How have you been princess? Was everything good in kindergarten?''
''I'm good and it was great.'' She giggled. He looked over at me but didn't do anything. Which is weird because he always kisses me on a cheek when he gets from work.

''We already ate and there is a food if you want to eat.'' He nodded his head and put Sofia down. He went in the kitchen, probably to eat.

I picked Sofia up and went to put her to sleep. She always sleeps at least two hours in the afternoon every day. I rocked her in my arms and hummed the same melody as always to her. She was fast asleep and I put her on her bed then covered her.

I went in our room to also rest but I saw Edward with his arms crossed on his chest making his biceps more flexed under his white shirt. He had displeased look on his face that let me now he is angry about something.

''What now?'' I say sighing.
''Do you have something to tell me?''
My mind wander off to the encounter that happened two weeks ago.
''Are you sure?''
''Then why did you keep a secret about meeting with the whore?'' He yelled. I flinched at the sudden outburst.
''How do you know about that?''
''That doesn't matter. What matters is that something could have happened.''
''But nothing did.''
''But it could. What if she has done something to you or Sofia?'' He shouted. Thank God that rooms are soundproof.

''I am capable of protecting our daughter. And nothing would have happened.''
''It could but you are too stupid to even think about consequences.''

''I am stupid? I didn't tell you because of this. Stop acting like you care about me when you don't. You never will and you don't want to.'' I screamed as I felt warm tears down my cheeks. He hurt me again.

I turned around to leave but he spinned me back and smashed his lips on mine. He started kissing me roughly and I couldn't keep his pace. He lifted me up and walked towards the bed not breaking from the kiss.

He throw me down on it and hovered over me. I was still crying as I was kissing him back. Next thing I know he was making love to me. The one thing I thought he would never do but he did.

He cleaned us up after we finished and laid next to me. I felt so warm in his arms, like always. He nuzzled his face in the crook on my neck as he kissed it. He mumbled 'mine' and hugged me tighter.


I woke up after few hours on someone opening the door. My back was against his chest and he wrapped his arm around me. I saw Sofia entering our room and coming closer to our bed.

''Baby you are awake?'' I ask as I pull the duvet over my bare breasts.
''I am mommy.''
''Can you please wait for me in your room until I freshen myself up?'' She nodded her head and ran off outside, closing the door.

I sigh as I remove his arm from my stomach and got up from the bed. My legs are wobbly and I'm sore but I managed to get to the shower. I showered and let the warm water ran through my body then I wrapped the towel around myself and got out.

I took underwear and put it on. I chose black crop top and black spandex shorts. I hurried out of the closet and saw Edward still sleeping with face burried in my pillow.

I found Sofia in her room and picked her up.
''Did you wait for me for too long?'' I ask as I head downstairs where I found Mary doing dinner.
''No mommy. But I'm hungry.''
''We'll eat now.'' I say as I put her in her chair.

''Mary are you done?''
''I just finished.'' She said and put the plate in front of Sofia. I cut her food in small pieces and handed her a fork. She digged in right away proving the point about being hungry.

I took the plate for myself and filled it with the food. While I was eating Edward came downstairs. I strained my look from him and focused on my food but it was difficult when I felt his stares on me.

I finished in the same time as Sofia and put our plates in the sink. I put Sofia down and she ran off to the living room. I followed her and ploped next to her on the couch.

I didn't noticed Edward came next to us when he pulled me on his lap. I got startled but refused to look at his eyes.

''Don't act like nothing happend three hours ago baby.'' He whispered in my ear and pulled my chin to kiss me. It was a sweet kiss not rough one as I melted.

I put my head on his chest when he removed the hair from my face and caressed my thighs. Whole evening all that was heard were Sofia's giggles and sound of the movie. We shared few kisses, some more hungrier than the others, but not by me.

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