Chapter 9

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Anna's POV

''Mom, this is the one.'' I say checking myself in the mirror.
''Are you sure?''
''Yes. I want this one.''
''Then it's decided.''

I told the woman in the shop that I decided on this wedding gown. It's totally gorgeous and perfect on me. Even if I don't want this marriage, I learnt to accept it. It's for Sofia anyway.

She packed it up in a box and I gave her Edward's card. He was so noisy about it even if I said so many times that I will pay for it but he must be stubborn. My mom was also feeling quilty about this.

We went home and I went in my room to put the box in my wardrobe. I was excited about the wedding even if I'm not going to marry who I want but it's still my wedding and my graduation is in two weeks.

I'm also nervous about the college I got accepted at. Today at 6 p.m. they will send a email and I promised Sofia to come because I haven't seen her for two days.

I really miss her and maybe I miss Edward, but just a little. I needed to get ready so I can get there when she comes from kindergarten. She started it a week ago and she already got some new friends.

I changed in red crop top and blue ripped jeans. I got in my white sneakers and took car keys. Edward also let me use one of his cars. It's black Mercedes and I don't want to act showy but with this car it seems like I do.

I entered the car after I said bye to my parents and drove off to the house. I came there after twenty minutes since traffic was bizzare. I parked in the driveway and put the keys in my purse.

I didn't even step in the house when Sofia jumped at me. I caught her and lifted her in my arms. I peppered her cheek with kisses causing her to giggle loudly.

''Mommy I missed you.'' She kissed my cheek.
''I missed you too but you know that mommy had to study, right?''
''I know. You are smart mommy.''
''Thank you. So tell me how was in the kindergarten?'' I took off my shoes and moved towards living room.

I sat on the couch and put her on my lap.
''It was great mommy. I met Kylie and Jason. They are old like me and we love to draw.''
''That's awesome. Do teachers treat you well?''
''Yes. They are all kind to me.''
''Great.'' I kissed her foregead and pulled her in a hug. She wrapped her tiny arms around my neck.

''Mommy when will you come to live with us? You always go back and forth.'' She pouted.
''Soon. Can you be patient for about three weeks? Daddy and mommy will get married and we will live together. Okay?''
''Okay mommy.''
''You are such a good girl.'' I kiss her cheek.
''You are good too mommy.'' She giggled.

''Do you know where is daddy?''
''I think he is sleeping. He is tired from work and has dark circles under his eyes.'' She explained.
''Well you need to know that your dad has a lot of work to do.''
''I know that.''
''Good. Are you tired from kindergarten? Do you want to take a nap?''
''I waited for you to come so we can sleep together.''
''Then we'll go to sleep with daddy.''

I got up with her in my arms and went in our room. I slowly opened the door and entered the room. Edward was already sleeping on the bed.

I removed the blanket a little and put Sofia under it then came next to her. Luckily our bed is big so it can fit all three of us. Sofia scooted closer to my chest. I put my arm around her and caressed her hair.

She fell asleep with half smile on her face which made her really adorable. I looked over Edward and he was sleeping on his stomach. He looked really tired. I took his hand and entertwined our fingers.

Our hands fit perfectly but we don't. And maybe we never will. Is it possible to even think about us being a normal married couple like everyone else?
I fell asleep soon with our hands close together.

Edward's POV

I moved on my bed when I felt something holding my hand. I opened my eyes and saw Anna's hand in mine. She was sleeping and Sofia was already awoken.

''Princess?'' I whispered.
''Daddy, you are awake but shushh...'' She put her index finger on her mouth.
''Mommy is still sleeping.''
''I see. When did you come here?''
''I got back from kindergarten and mom came soon after then we came her to sleep. I woke up just a little before you daddy.'' She explained.
''That's great, bunny.'' I said.

I got closer to Sofia and pulled her with my free hand. Anna had a death grip on my hand and I couldn't remove it. So I decided to wait for her to wake up.

I was talking with Sofia about some kindergarten stuff. I'm so happy that she made new friends and her teachers are good too. It came out better than I expected.

After awhile Anna was opening her eyes. She looked over at us and smiled slightly. Sofia grinned at her and jumped on her.
''Mommy!'' Anna chuckled and sat up straighter. She noticed that she was still holding my hand and removed it quickly.
''I thought you would never let go.'' I said amused.
''Sorry. I didn't know.''
''Never mind.''

I got up and went in the bathroom to refresh myself. I washed my face and changed my shirt. I got out of the bathroom and they were already gone.

I went downstairs to eat and saw these two already in the kitchen. Anna was making Alfredo chicken. I took the glass and filled it with the water.

''Do you want to go out tomorrow? Like a family trip or something?'' I ask them.
''A picnic?'' Sofia squealed happily.
''Yeah.'' I shrug.
''That will be good.'' Anna said and turned the stove off.

She took out plates for us and put it on the island. I sat on the bar stool and she gave me to eat. I don't get it how is she so thin when she eats the same amount of food that I eat?

I finished quickly and put my plate in the sink.
''I will be upstairs working.''
''Do you really need to work so much?'' Anna asked.
''If I didn't, we wouldn't have all off this.''
''I got that, but you're workaholic.''
''I'm not and please don't talk about things that you don't know.'' I say and went upstairs.

Anna's POV

The things I don't know? He is overworking himself and he can get sick like that. Always in that office or in the company. I don't even see him until he comes to eat with us.

I put our plates in the sink and took Sofia from her chair. I went with her in the playroom and she wanted to play dolls with me.

I didn't even notice that is already past 6 p.m. until I checked the phone. I told Sofia to wait for me until I come back. I needed a computer so I ran to Edward's office.

I didn't bother to knock, I just entered.
He looked surprised that I ran in here like a maniac.
''I need your computer. Now.'' I say as I sat in his lap.
''You'll see.''

He wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned his forehead on my shoulder. This made my heart beat erratically, but I couldn't get distracted now.

I logged in my email and saw new message. I took a deep breath before opening it. I read what was written and I was definitely speechless.

''I got accepted.'' I say.
''In the college.''

I squeal from happiness and turned around to hug Edward. I'm so so happy that I made it to the college. I actually studied a lot and I had to take care of Sofia but I still got accepted.

''Congratulations.'' Edward said rubbing my back.
''Thank you.''

I loosened my arms but didn't let go of a hug. I wanted to stay a little bit longer in his embrace.

''Thank you Edward.''
''For what?'' He asked and leaned in his chair keeping his arms around me.
''For trying to be good fiancè even know.''
''Then I should thank you too because you are the best mother and fiancee I could ask for.'' I raised my head up and looked him in the eyes.
''Really?'' He nodded and kissed my cheek. I leaned my head back on his shoulder wanting to stay like this forever, but I remebered that I have to go back to Sofia.

After few minutes, I got up from his lap and kissed his cheek. I told him I need to go back to Sofia. This was the first time that we talked about something like this.

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