Taking Her Home

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"How did I not know that your penthouse was in the same skyscraper as the company offices? Why do you even have a shower and closet down in your office?" Cyra stared at the enormous space in awe. It looked like something out of a magazine. If she walked around the perimeter she could see all around the city and Lake Michigan. There was a pool on the enormous balcony, and a huge patio area. The kitchen was big enough to be in a restaurant and the dining room looked like it belonged in a mansion.

The open floor plan living areas were modern and simple and Cyra, who had grown up in the lap of luxury, had never seen an apartment quite like this. Maybe it was so impressive because it was all for one person and she was used to spaces that were designed for families with kids. Suddenly she felt as if she was being thrust from one world into another in more than one way.

"You never asked?" He smiled, at her as he watched her stare in awe at every little thing she discovered. "Now. Are you hungry? I can make us dinner. I noticed you didn't touch a thing at the lake."

"No. I'm fine." Cyra shook her head.

"Are you tired? I have an extra room if you don't-"

"Are you getting cold feet now, Logan?" she turned to look at him, her demeanor instantly changing as she locked eyes with him.

"Not at all." his voice was cool and he put out his hand. Immediately she placed her palm against his and he led her to the master bedroom, which looked out on the city.

"You're sure you want this Kitten?" he asked as he unbuttoned his shirt, not looking at her as she sat on his enormous bed, kicking off her shoes.

"I've never wanted anything more in my entire life." she answered in a confident voice.

"Good." he nodded, stripping off his pants. "Now, Kitten. Take off your clothes."

His voice had changed. It was firmer and it made her wet the instant she heard that particular tone creep into his words.

"Remember earlier when I told you to take off your panties and you didn't listen to me?" she nodded. "And when you burst into my office." Now he was just making up reasons to show her what it meant to be punished for stepping out of line. "And just now when you called me Logan, instead of Sir?"

Cyra swallowed and nodded as he came to sit on the bed beside her. She was extremely aware of how handsome he was and how he was the most perfect man she had ever seen.

"I am going to teach you what happens when you disobey, Kitten. You still have a chance to back out. You can leave. I'll drive you home. Do you want to go?" He watched her, a serious expression on his face.

"I want to stay." she said clearly, standing up and stepping towards him. "What are you going to do to me?"

"Bend over, Kitten." She bent over his knee as he instructed her and he raised one hand high up in the air. "Now I want you to count. Oh and Kitten?"

"Yes Sir?" she said.

"No cuming until I tell you."

"Yes Sir." she sighed the words and his hand came down hard on her ass, making it sting.


It hurt. It really did. But it also felt good. Cyra was rather shocked to admit this to herself.

"Two." His hand stung across her ass again and this time she squirmed.

"Hold still Kitten." he didn't sound amused.


His hand had traveled lower this time, closer to her pussy and she arched her back and heard him chuckle.

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