Chapter 7

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"Hey Kat- Whoa, what did I just walk in on?" Kirishima asked, his eyes wide in shock.

Bakugou got off of Izuku, sitting back at the head of his bed. "Hey, did you need something?" He asked casually.

Izuku, on the other hand, was freaking out on the inside. He now knew that Bakugou and Kirishima were soulmates and dating, and he knew that what Kirishima had just walked in on looked rather suspicious. Did the redhead think that Izuku was trying to steal his soulmate away?

"I was just looking for my charger." Kirishima explained slowly, looking back and forth between the two boys on the bed. "What... happened?"

"Deku's being stupid." Bakugou explained simply.

Kirishima rolled his eyes at the lame response. "When is he not in your eyes?" He shot back.

"Touché." Bakugou said back with a faint smile at his soulmate.

That was when Izuku got a grip on himself and quickly rushed to make sure that Kirishima wasn't going to get the wrong idea. "K-Kirishima! It really wasn't what it looked like! I'm not trying to like, steal, Kacchan or anything! We're just friends- well I doubted he'd even qualify us as that- but I don't like him like that or anything- I actually have my own soulmate, well two actually- but-"

He was cut off by the sound of loud laughter coming from his redheaded classmate. "Midoriya, bro, I- oh jeez, that's good- I don't think you're trying to steal Katsuki." Kirishima just managed to say in between his chuckles.

Izuku's eyebrows scrunched up in question. "You... don't?..."

Kirishima shook his head, calming down more. "Not at all dude. Besides, I have enough faith in Katsuki to turn down any advances." He said, walking over to Bakugou and ruffling his hair.

"You're the fucking worst." Bakugou growled out, trying to fix his hair, even though it really didn't look any different.

"Oh, okay. That's good then." Izuku said with a relieved breath.

"But, um, you said you have two soulmates? Who are they?" Kirishima asked as curious as ever.

"Half and half and the insomniac from 2-B." Bakugou said, already knowing that Izuku wouldn't willing say who they were. He had a feeling just stating that he had two soulmates was an accident that he just blurted out while trying to defend himself.

"Whoa, really?! Have you told them yet?" The sharp toothed boy asked, turning his red eyes back to Izuku, who looked a bit flustered with the questioning.

Instead of the green haired boy answering, Bakugou once again did the honors. "No and he's not planning to. His dumbass is going to wait until they turn seventeen."

Kirishima's eyes went as wide as saucers at the new information. He could still remember what happened to Bakugou when he tried to hide it. He didn't want anyone to ever go through that. "But... doesn't Todoroki turn seventeen in January?"

"Same with insomniac." Bakugou confirmed.

Kirishima's wide and worried eyes turned back to Izuku. "Midoriya, that's a really long time to try and hide your soulmates..." He said cautiously. There was no doubt in his mind that his own soulmate had already berated the poor boy enough, so he wanted to be the gentle voice of reason.

"I know, I know, okay? You can't say anything to me that Uraraka, Kacchan and Shinso haven't already said." Izuku said, his voice trailing off as he talked.

"Wait, what the hell did Shinso say?" Bakugou asked, unaware of the conversation the two had had on the roof. He had gotten up there just as Izuku was going in for a hug, so he didn't know what was said.

But Kirishima and Bakugou knew it had to be good from the fond smile that over took Izuku's features as he thought of the purple haired boy's words.

"Just... he knew that Todoroki is one of my soulmates, he saw his name the night of my birthday, didn't have a clue that his was right under it though. But he started saying all this stuff about how I'm not a hassle and that anyone would be lucky to have me as a soulmate and if they couldn't see that then they don't deserve one..." Izuku mumbled softly, really wishing that he had been able to hug the other boy, damn the consequences.

Kirishima, who was now sitting next to his soulmate, holding his hand, wore a smile to match the shorter boy. "Sounds like a real sweetheart."

Izuku laughed softly at his comment. "Just a little bit."

There was a sigh from the redhead. "You should just tell them. I know you're freaking out, Kat was the same way, but if he's any sort of example of how these things go, you're just going to end up in a world of pain." Kirishima explained, his voice soft and gentle as if he was trying to approach a wounded animal.

The green haired boy shook his head. "You don't understand, what if they-"

"What did Shinso just say to you, Midoriya? Are you really worried that someone like that is going to reject you? And Todoroki? Are you kidding me? That guy's been in love with you for like a year!" Kirishima exclaimed with a friendly smile.

But the smile only seemed to deepen Izuku's frown. "You just don't get it. Your soulmate ended up being your best friend, I barely know mine."

Kirishima nearly scoffed at his words. "My soulmate ended up being Katsuki Bakugou. How on earth do you think I got it any easier?"

"Ouch." Bakugou mumbled, but Kirishima just playfully rolled his eyes at him.

"Fair enough I guess." Izuku mumbled. "Look, I just can't, okay?"

Kirishima pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a heavy sigh. "Fine, do it your way, but when it comes back to bite you in the ass, don't say we didn't warn you."

Izuku nodded, knowing that he couldn't blame anyone else for this decision but himself.

"So, you two are getting along then?" Kirishima asked, his mood and the conversation doing a full one eighty as he smirked at his soulmate.

Bakugou rolled his eyes, pushing the redhead over as both he and Izuku laughed. "Someone's got to make sure the dumbass doesn't die."

"And you just decided to step up to the plate?" Izuku asked, testing the waters of how much he was now allowed to get away with.

"Someone had to, besides I..." Bakugou groaned as he realized what he was about to do. "I feel kind of- sort of- just a little bit- bad about, you know, all the shit I put you through. Think of this as me making up for it or whatever." He mumbled out his apology, but both of the other boys had been able to hear it.

Kirishima was so flipping proud of his boyfriend, that it was really hard to not jump into his arms and shower him with kisses, but he had a feeling Izuku was going to hug him.

And he wasn't wrong.

Izuku was basically sobbing as he hugged the blond tightly. He had waited so long for Bakugou to finally pull his head out of his ass, that it was a little hard to believe that it was finally happening. He knew his childhood friend was a good person deep down, he just needed some time.

"Oi! This does not mean you get to hug me, asshole!" Bakugou said, trying to pry the smaller boy off him.

"K-Kacchan, just let it happen." Izuku said with a small laugh as he clung to him tighter.

"Yeah Kacchan, just let it happen." Kirishima teased, resulting in getting flipped off by the blond.

"Okay, okay, that's enough." Bakugou said after a few more second. This time Izuku willing let go, knowing that he would be pushing his luck if he stayed any longer.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly.

Bakugou shook his head at him. "You're fine, I was expecting that anyway."

"So... are we good now?" Izuku asked him hesitantly.

"As good as we can be I guess." Bakugou said, still unsure with the whole 'not-being-mortal-enemies-anymore' thing.


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