Chapter 16

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"Hi dad." Izuku greeted the taller man.

"Son." Hisashi said back with a slight head nod. He wasn't exactly a.... family man.

Hisashi Midoriya barely knew his son. He was abroad in America for work almost all of Izuku's life, only returning a few months ago. Since he's been home, Izuku has had a less than pleasant experience at home.

Hisashi was a knit picky type of person. Everything Izuku did could be done better or was just plain old wrong. It would sometimes escalate to screaming matches that usually ended in Izuku storming out and marching himself all the way back to UA. He'd be so blindly angry that he'd blow off steam at Ground Beta before returning to the dorms.

Izuku's temper only ever spiked with his father it seemed, which was less than ideal for his mother, who was trying to mend her fraying marriage. It didn't help that Izuku's 'temper' was something he definitely inherited from his father.

"You have been home in a few weeks." Hisashi observed, pouring himself some lemonade that was on the table. Inko made a new batch every weekend, seeing as it was Izuku's favorite.

Izuku clenched his teeth, knowing what his father was getting at. "I've been busy. Training and homework take up a lot of time." He said, trying to sound as calm and unaffected as possible.

After all the fights they've had, about a variety of topics, Izuku found it very hard to be in his father's presence. Not only did the man seem to disagree with all of Izuku's life choices, but he was homophobic, raceist, sexist, and looked down on the quirkless. You can imagine how well family dinners go when Hisashi decides to bring up- Just about anything. He wasn't a nice man.

"You turned seventeen, correct?" Hisashi asked, taking a seat next to his wife on the side that wasn't occupied by Izuku.

The green haired teen rested his elbow on the table and then his head on his open palm, trying to play off his anger as indifference. "You ask that like you don't remember my birthday, father." Even though he knew guilt wouldn't work on his dad, Izuku could still remind him that he was a terrible excuse for a parent.

"I've been gone for thirteen years, forgive me if a trivial date slipped my mind." His father said with a flick of his hand.

Once again, Izuku was clenching his teeth in an attempt to hold his tongue and not say something he'd regret. "It's not a trivial date, it's my birthday."

Inko grabbed her son's hands again, hoping to calm him a little. "Hunny, you're father's been very busy lately." She said quietly.

'Typical, taking his side again.' Izuku thought to himself, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"He doesn't have a job. He sits around in the living room watching whatever pops onto the tv." Izuku said, realizing too late that he should have definitely stayed quiet.

Hisashi's already glaring eyes hardened. "Check your attitude, boy. I will not be disrespected in my own home." (Oh dear god I hated writing that so, so much)

"Can this even be qualified as your home? You haven't been here for thirteen years!" Izuku nearly shouted, but restrained himself. It was really difficult though.

Hisashi, in his true childish way, stood up abruptly, knocking his chair over. Izuku stood up just as quick. Poor Inko had to stand to try and keep her husband and son from getting into a fist fight.

"How dare you?! I was working my ass off to provide for this family! How do you think your mother was able to afford sending you to that fancy hero school?!" Now, Hisashi did yell. Unlike Izuku, who was trying to refrain from causing a scene for the sake of his mother, Hisashi didn't care about Inko's feelings on the matter.

"Bullshit!" Izuku shouted, now too heated to keep his voice.

"Izuku!" Inko gasped in disbelief, but the teen couldn't care less about what she thought of him swearing at the moment.

Izuku ignored her comment and continued the argument. "You haven't sent us back any money, so don't try to sit here and lie to my face!"

There was absolutely no way in hell his father sent back a penny of the money he made in America. Inko had to work her ass off to make sure they could pay their bills and he was going to UA on a scholarship.
Hisashi didn't like the legitimate fact that his son pointed out. Instead of trying to provide a counter argument, he grabbed Izuku roughly by the arm and started to drag him out of the house.

"What're you doing?!" Inko cried as she watched them go, following right behind.

Izuku, who could have easily gotten out of his father's hold with or without his quirk, kept quiet and just let the man take him out. Knowing his father, he'd probably call the cops if he tried to stay in the house anyways.

Once Hisashi made it out the front door, he threw Izuku in front of him. The teen hadn't been expecting it and ended up tripping down the few stairs they had leading off their front porch. He fell, bracing himself with his forearms and just taking a second to register that his father had thrown him off their porch.

"Hisashi! What the hell are you doing?!" Inko exclaimed in terror at what she had just witnessed. She tried to run to her son, but Hisashi held an arm out to stop her.

Izuku slowly stood up, his rage rising as he brushed the dirt and grass of his arms. "Yeah Hisashi, what the hell are you doing? Throwing around your own son like that." He asked in a terrifyingly calm manner.

Inko had to admit, she was a little afraid of her son at that moment. Knowing that with his training and quirk, he could end Hisashi's life in a matter of seconds. Not that she thought of her son as a killer, but he could do some serious damage if provoked and if getting thrown off a porch isn't provoking, she wasn't sure what was.

"Hold your tongue next time and maybe I wouldn't have to throw you around. You have only yourself to blame!" The older man hissed down at his son, no sense of familial bonds seeming to weigh him down.

"What the hell did I ever do to you?!" Izuku suddenly shouted, seeming to finally lose it. "Huh? What the fuck did I do that made you hate me so much? Was it because I was quirkless? Is that why you left and didn't show up until I got into UA? Were you too ashamed that your only son was a quirkless bastard?" He screamed, willing the tears in his eyes to not fall. Hisashi always despised how much Izuku and Inko cried.

"What if it was?!" Hisashi yelled back.

At this point the two were attracting attention from the neighbors. And the more people that walked out of their houses to check on the yelling, the more people that walked out of their houses just to see why people were out and about. Including one household at the end of the street whose son was also home visiting from UA.

Izuku let out a cold laugh at his father's response. He had always known that him being quirkless had been why his father left, or at least a contributing factor, but hearing him say it directly, it just made him realize that blood bonds weren't all they cracked up to be.

"Guess what, you absolute jackass?"

Inko felt as if she might faint from her innocent son's profanity.

"Not only was your son quirkless most of his life, but he's fucking gay!" Izuku screamed at the top of his lungs. "With two goddamn soulmates!" He pulled his sleeve down, showing off Shoto and Hitoshi's names.

There was a brief pause in the chaos when the world seemed to stand still. Izuku was breathing heavily, waiting to see how his father would react.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it definitely wasn't for Hitoshi to come marching his ass down the stairs of the porch and smack Izuku right across the face.

The street when dead silent, aside from multiple gasps of shock.

"And who the fuck do you think you are?!"

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