Chapter 11

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"What if... we pretend to date him?"

The room fell into a stunned silence before-

"Fucking excuse me?"

Yeah, that was Bakugou.

"Hear me out, hear me out!" Mina pleaded, holding her hands up in front of her. "If he was dating someone, then no one would bat an eye at the fact that they were touching all the time. It would be impossible for just one of us to do it, but if he has multiple partners..." She trailed off and let the boys figure it out themselves.

"Sure, hypothetically that'd work, but won't people, especially Shinso and Todoroki, think it's weird that he's suddenly dating five people?" Sero asked, but he definitely wasn't the only one thinking it.

"Besides that, Kat and I are soulmates, how would anyone buy the fact we both just decided to take on another boyfriend?" Kirishima asked while pulling his sleeve up to show Bakugou's name. Just because most of the class was clueless to their relationship, did not mean everyone was.

"It's... not unheard of... Midoriya's been keeping his wrist covered since his birthday so we can easily play it off as if his is blank. When people don't get names, they sometimes get into relationships with soulmated couples." Mina pointed out. Although it was rare for those couples to stay together with the nameless person, it wasn't impossible.

"No offense or anything, but Midoriya's, y'know..." Kaminari trailed off.

No one knew what he was hinting at.

The electric blond groaned. "He's gay and everyone knows it. They'd be really confused if he suddenly started dating Mina, even if she came with four boyfriends attached."

Mina just shrugged, not seeming bothered. "So I'll just be his new best friend, seeing as he'll be dating all of mine. I'm a touchy person, especially with you guys, so it won't be that weird." She said, running a hand through her short, fluffy hair.

"Great, we have an amazing fucking plan now," Bakugou said as sarcastic as possible, throwing in an eye roll for good measure. "But we don't know if he'll even be okay with it."

Kaminari scooted his chair even closer to the bed. "Do we wake him up now or do we wait for him?" He asked.

"Do we really want to wait?" Sero asked, not meaning it the way it sounded.

"Got something better to do tape face?" Bakugou asked him with a sneer.

Sero instantly shook his head. "That's not what I meant! I was just wondering if we wanted to wait that long in suspense!" He explained.

"I'll do it, please just be quiet now." Izuku mumbled, burying his head back into Sero's chest.

Kirishima seemed pretty amused with Izuku. "How long have you been awake?" He asked.

"When I got moved from Ashido to Kaminari." Izuku said with a small whine to his voice, clearly just wanting to go right back to sleep.

"You sure about this dude? You're going to have to pretend to date four of us." Kaminari asked, wanting Izuku to understand the situation fully.

"Mhm, it's kind of the only option we have." Izuku answered, his voice muffled due to the fact he hadn't moved his face from Sero's chest.

"What happens when you fall in love with one of us? Or all?" Kaminari asked teasingly moving the chair side to side slightly.

"Won't happen." Izuku said shortly.

"Oh, how do you know you can resist all of our charms?" Sero asked, joining in.

"Because I'm already pretty into my soulmates." Izuku explained, finally lifting his head up and blinking at the five of them.

"Then why don't you just tell them?!" Bakugou exclaimed. He knew what is was like to want to hide your soulmate name, but he'd been through it and knew it wasn't worth the pain. Besides that, Izuku just admitted that he liked his soulmates!

"It doesn't matter how I feel, their the ones with the final say." Izuku said with a sigh, laying his head back down on Sero's chest, but making sure he could still see everyone.

"They can't have that final say if they don't even know about it." Kirishima pointed out gently. He was obviously on his own soulmates side, having already been in Hitoshi and Shoto's shoes.

"That's just too bad then." Izuku mumbled, closing his eyes and ignoring any more questions or comments.


The next school day came far to quickly. They spent the weekend discussing they're plans, Izuku wasn't prepared for what he would have to do. He really wasn't prepared for Hitoshi and Shoto's reactions. Even if they didn't have their names yet, they would subconsciously be more drawn to each other. Which meant they would be none to pleased with Izuku's four new boyfriends.

"You know, this really isn't necessary." Izuku said with a laugh. He was currently getting a piggy back ride from Kaminari. He was put down at his desk, put the electric blond still had an arm wrapped around his shoulders, having most of his body pressed to Izuku's.

"But it was fun." Kaminari said with a smile.

"Okay, so during classes, Kat's only gonna be able to hold your hand and even that's gonna be kind of awkward, but it's the best we can do." Kirishima said, once again. He seemed to be the most anxious out of everyone, maybe even Izuku.

"Jeez dude, we know. You've only drilled it into our heads all morning." Kaminari groaned out.

"I just don't want anything to go wrong, okay? Sorry for being worried." Kirishima said, sticking his tongue out at his friend.

Izuku smiled and took hold of Kirishima's hand, shifting from Kaminari to leaning on Bakugou. "I appreciate it, honestly." He said.

"So um, can someone explain what's going on with you guys?" Uraraka asked, walking up to the group of boys with Iida, Tsuyu, and Shoto in toe.

Izuku's eyes were instantly connected with Shoto's. It was probably because he was going though the soulmate pains, even though it was because of Hitoshi, but he was suddenly more aware of his soulmate's presence than he was before, even after getting the names.

"How do we explain this, um..." Kirishima trailed off, unsure how they should explain the situation to their classmates.

"We all started dating Izuku." Kaminari explained with a broad grin.

"I'm sorry, what?"

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