that's ya weenus

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"Hope you're making notes Y/N" I sat going over the body "yeah of course" came the reply.

"Can you even see out of those ridiculous goggles?" Y/N asks, turning their head to get a better look at them "I can see perfectly fine, well not perfectly because then I wouldn't need glasses".

Y/N hums as I poke around the body some more "tissue damage in the lower abdomen" I say "lower abdomen got it" Y/N taps their pencil on the notepad before picking up the newspaper next to them.

They flick to the puzzle section and starts reading "I have no life , yet I can die , what am I?" Y/N smiles "easy a battery" they scribble it down.

"What's the next one?" I ask while writing my report "urmmmm what has six faces, but doesn't wear makeup , and has twenty-one eyes, but can't see?" I think and bite my lip "give up?" Y/N taunts "a dice".

"Dang it dad" they sigh, I laugh and carry on writing. Y/N goes quiet as they read the newspaper "ready to go junior" I don't look up but Y/N hums in response.

We leave the room and bump into Miss Kringle "afternoon Edward, Y/N" she smiles "hey Miss Kringle do you know where your Weenus is?" Miss Kringle looks appalled by what Y/N just said but still answers "no I'm afraid I don't".

Y/N smiles holds their hand out and gestures to Miss Kringle's cardigan sleeve , they roll the sleeve up and points to the skin by her elbow "that's ya Weenus" my hand flies to my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

Miss Kringle stutters "thank you for that information Y/N" she smiles before pushing the door to the storage room open and disappearing "did you know that dad?" Y/N asks as we walk out the GCPD "yes junior, I knew that" I sigh holding the car door open for them.

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