we don't swear in this house

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(Swearing warning)

"You alright mom" Y/N called as they came home from school. Nora hummed in response and turned a bit as she woke up "I'm fine darling'' she smiled as Y/N danced around the kitchen.

"What's gotten you so happy?" She strained to sit up so I rushed over to help her sit up "can't I just be happy because of it" Y/N smiled "not when your us" I mutter.

Nora slaps my arm and gives me a warning look "it nice to see you smile" we watched as Y/N played 'football' with one of Nora's many empty medication tubes.

They kicked it up high and it came crashing down straight on their head "ah fuck" Y/N muttered "hey we don't swear in this house!" I call getting up from Nora's side to check on them.

"But you called the pharmacist a 'son of a bitch" they pointed out "ratted out by my own flesh and blood , how dare you" we lock eyes as I corner Y/N in the kitchen.

Y/N leans over the kitchen counter and sticks their tongue out "you're in for it now" I grin as I rush round and pick them up effortlessly.

Y/N screams as I tickle them "parley! Parley!" Nora laughs as she watches our childish antics. The laughs soon become coughs and I rush over to her "shit" I mutter  , Nora instantly stops coughing and points at me "ha proven" she smiles.

I scoff "you shouldn't fake things like that" I say annoyed, Nora shrugs "I fake alot of things" the sound of Y/N spitting and choking sounds from the kitchen "jesus mom" they splutter a little while Nora and I laugh weakly.

"I can't believe you both would rat me out like that" I shake my head and look down "meh it happens deal with it pops" Y/N come over and sits between me and Nora.

Nora reaches over and rubs Y/N's hand "now come on tell us why you were so happy" Y/N sighs "fine I've got a date" I bolt upright and one thing leaves my mouth

"You fucking what?"

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