Niveal Begins

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Theo woke up at the crack of dawn, the fourth hour of the morning to be exact, to make sure they were all set to dock. In Niveal, all new arrivals had to have their captain wait in the office of the port manager until they were called in, interviewed, and then given the green light to disembark. That meant that Theo had to wake up and get dragged through the excessive process. Two hours it took to get interviewed and approved. The makeshift Nivealean government had a rigorous interrogation process that served to sniff out those that were government spies or instigators coming in with a militia.

Theo was well known, especially around Niveal, but that didn't mean the process was any easier. All it took for some pirates to turn into spies or armed terrorists was the right sum of money. Theo was not that kind of captain though and it was proven through the course of the interrogation. Once they finally got back to the ship, Theo went back to sleep and woke up at a reasonable time. The sun was high up in the air and the noise from the port provided a faint buzz in the otherwise quiet room. She got up and began getting ready for their first day in Niveal, excitement was brewing in Theo's stomach.

She threw on a coat over her loose shirt, put on some pants, and once out on the deck she found one of the crewmates that worked under Pearl's boatswain command. Theo ordered for a bath to be drawn in her quarters and the woman hastily made her way inside the deck to get started on it. Theo went into the infirmary just to find that part of the room.

"Oi, oi my lovelies," She walked into Tuni's room without knocking, "I have come to get some opinions on what I should wear."

Morgana was sitting up in bed by herself, no pillows needed for support. Tuni sitting at the vanity Evana had built her. She turned around in a huff, "Theo, why do you not knock?"

"This is my ship. I don't know if you've heard but I was recently named Captain of the Scorned Woman. How exciting. Tuni, I need your help," Theo pouted out her lip.

"Aye, child, I'll go help you. But, you do know I think you are amazing and handsome without any of the clothes and the jewels," Tuni walked over and placed a warm hand on Theo's cheek.

"I know."

"Am I handsome too?" Morgana asked from her corner, feigning jealousy.

"The handsomest," Tuni walked over to her partner and planted a soft kiss on Morgana's forehead, then cheek, then lips. Once Morgana was satisfied with her attention, Tuni walked out with Theo on a mission to help pick out the best outfit to kick off their Nivealan bender.

It was a bit of an unspoken agreement between all of the crew when they would come to the island, let Theo let loose. It was the only time where she could truly, without any repercussions, have fun. On Corinspe, the pirate island, Theo was an important member of that community. While all her crew let loose, she was usually expected to be on her best behavior. Her status as captain and the reputation the crew had garnered over the lengths meant that as their representative, she had to be sober and stoic. On Niveal though, there were no expectations.

When they made their way inside the captain's quarters two women were filling up a metal tub that had been moved into the room. The water was warm and Theo couldn't wait to get in. Once the women left, she checked that the temperature was okay, undressed, and got into the bath. Tuni paid a naked Theo no mind as she searched the wardrobe for some options. Theo sank into the metal tub, plunging her head into the warm water and staying there for a bit. Once she emerged, Tuni had picked out a few items of clothing.

"What color are you thinking of for your coat? Something black?" Tuni asked, looking over at Theo.

"Too predictable, don't you reckon?" Theo asked, hands moving back and forth in the water, playing with it. "Have I got anything that's a dark red?"

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