Don't Trust Pigs

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The contract the lawyer had laid the agreement out in a simple and easy to understand way. There were no loopholes. The lawyer looked impressed looking through it. It stated that the only time Theo would step in and shut a place down was if more than 3 rules were broken at a time or in the event drugs were being distributed to employees. The contract laid out that Theo would be listed as the owner in the deed, stripping the previous owner of all legal rights to the business and land. After that, it was Theo's. Theo had no interest in keeping the brothel, Xyra and Cooker had tried and failed multiple times to convince Theo to invest in land businesses. Theo took care of her finances just fine and the last thing she wanted to do was get involved with land dwellers. She would have to figure something out with the ownership of the brothel.

"I'm amazed you got anyone to sign this," the lawyer finally spoke up.

"The threat of getting your trachea ripped out by a six-foot-three lady holding a morningstar is a good motivator," Theo remarked sarcastically, "Does it hold up?"

"Yes, if your witness corroborates what your colleague here is accusing then it holds up. The deed would be transferred into your name and you would be the legal owner of Wolf's Corner," the lawyer said.

As simple as that, Theo thought. She would have to figure out what to do about the deed being in her name. They were due to leave Niveal tomorrow and she didn't trust any of the girls at the moment. Ideally, Theo would have liked a cycle or two to figure out the best gameplan but she wasn't afforded that luxury. She was deep in thought when Cooker's snapping fingers brought her back to reality. Bea had entered and Theo instructed her to take a seat next to Wolf's second hand. Theo had her two witnesses for the deed change and her witness to indict Wolf. It was a simple process after that.

Bea told her side of things and it matched what the girls had said earlier. It had been going on for close to four cycles and Wolf had managed to increase his profit by a sizable amount even with the purchase of loads of ugali. The lawyer listened intently and by the end of the testimony, he was ready to confirm the legality of the transfer, even without Wolf present. As soon as they were done, Theo excused the lawyer and thanked him for his service. She then kicked out the second in command without so much as an explanation as to what he should do next; if he wanted to be in business with someone who played with fire then he was sure to get burnt. Then, Theo sent Bea away after asking her to round up the girls who had stayed sober and send them down to Theo.

"Business owner is a good look on you," Cooker teased and hopped back up on the desk.

Theo sighed dramatically knowing they were left alone Theo threw herself down on the large chair behind the desk and propped her feet up, "What the fuck are we going to do about that?"

"Keep it," Cooker stated obviously.

"You're supposed to be helpful, that is not helpful. Not another word out of you," Theo threatened.

"I'm serious. I think you need to keep it. For the crew and the future," Cooker advised.

"What's one got to do with the other?" Theo shook her head, "I am here twice a length. What good would a business do me? What good would I do a business?"

"Theo we need a steady stream of income," Cooker rationed.

"We have never needed one. We have been doing better than ever and if raids are a little thin then we have what we have saved to fall back on," Theo shot back. They had been over this already, many times.

"We need to think longer-term, Theo. You have some of the wildest ambitions I have ever heard and I believe you can get them done. I know you are capable of whatever you set your mind to but your high hopes are just that if you have no financing," Cooker stated.

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