Three's a crowd

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Ava was walking back to the ship through a slightly crowded Stumbler's Row, familiar with the route back by that time. About halfway back to the docks, she stumbled into three very familiar faces. Skins, Rita, and Chubs. Skins recognized Ava first and waved frantically to get her attention.

"Oi! Carpentry Wizard!" Skins poked fun and made a beeline to Ava.

Upon recognizing the voice, Ava walked towards Skins and met her halfway, "Hello. It's been a few suns! How have you guys been?"

"I haven't been able to feel my face for the past three nights," Chubs laughed and Ava laughed along, unsure if Chubs was joking or not.

"What are you doing all alone?" Skins asked.

"Just finished some shopping. You?"

"Going to The Pinnacle. You're coming," Skins said, it wasn't a question.

Ava nodded along and didn't object. She was going to head back to the boat and pathetically walk around until she found someone that would talk to her and wherever the carpentry girls were heading was probably more fun. The girls welcomed her into the group and set off toward their destination. Rita, who hadn't spoken, was staring in amazement at everything around her. Chubs had to take her by the arm and drag her along just so she could keep up. Ava watched Rita as Rita watched everything else.

The Pinnacle was the brothel at the top of Stumbler's Row, an establishment Ava was familiar with. Upon walking in, it was unchanged from the last time she had been in there. Women and men walking around in clothing items that were too small with patrons either speaking with them, at the bar or interacting with their friends. Chubs made a straight shot to the bar and Rita was handed over to Ava's care. Skins and Ava worked together and managed to spot a table. Chubs eventually managed to get back to them with a round of drinks.

Skins and Chubs bounced off of each other to recount what they had done in Niveal. They had gone shopping on the first day and had been partying ever since. Ava was telling them about her day when a hand came to rest on her shoulder.

"What a lovely face to be greeted with at the start of my night," a familiar voice said.

Ava looked up and saw Zeal, shirtless, and grinning. He bent down and planted a kiss on either of Ava's cheeks. Zeal looked at the other girls and waved then pointed to Rita.

"Hiya Rita," he laughed at her dazed expression, "guess we won't be having any fun tonight, huh?"

Chubs shook her head for Rita, "No touching or feeling for her tonight."

"Would you care to follow me? I have a few people that would like to meet you," Zeal said and offered a hand to Ava.

"Me?" Ava asked, incredulous at the fact that someone would want to meet her.

She took Zeal's hand and stood up. At first, she was hit with a wave of excitement and then a wave of dread. This could have been a trap. Maybe someone had recognized her and they hired Zeal to isolate her. She looked to the boy, not a trace of guilt or worry on his face. She still kept her free hand hovering near her waist, ready to pull her dagger.

"They're upstairs," Zeal said as they approached a door that opened to a set of stairs.

Ava stopped, a bit more suspicious, "Who is 'they'?"

Zeal sensed that the hesitation that came from the vagueness of his words and he chuckled at himself, "Right, sorry. My roommates. I've told them about you. They said if I ever saw you again, I had to bring you over to them to introduce you. But today is their day off, they aren't on the floor so I have to take you upstairs."

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now