part xxvii.

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"That's the equation I got!" I explain as I wildly gesture between my notebook and his

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"That's the equation I got!" I explain as I wildly gesture between my notebook and his. Reuben shakes his head and leans forward on his fold arms, peering through his long lashes at my work. 

"Mmm, you got the velocity wrong." He explains softly as he points down at the page. Reuben then realises something as his face goes blank before being replaced with an unimpressed expression. He arches a dark brow at me,  "You really believe a human child can move at a speed of 60 miles per hour?" 

I narrow my eyes and point my finger at him, "If they annoy me enough."

Reuben laughs as he tilts his head back and reclines in his chair. Not only did Reuben and I have Music and Music Theory together, but we also had Physics. I found this out about an hour ago when I walked in to see him surrounded by a thousand girls at the back of the classroom. 

He's the first and only person I have talked to today. Ashton is on a class trip and Gen is sick so there went that option. 

And the other four guys in my life are giving me the oh-so mature silent treatment. 

After I managed to somehow out run all four of them—by jumping on the completely wrong bus—I eventually made it home in one piece. I was expecting at least one of them to call or text or even fucking email—but nothing. 

They were ignoring me because they think I'm in love with Reuben and I'm going to leave all four of them for him. I mean, shit, they sure are insecure for being the four most handsome and richest guys on this planet. 

I hadn't even seen any of their faces today which really freaked me out. I was just waiting for one of them to pop up and scare the shit out of me in the middle of Briarwood's hallway. But maybe they didn't because they all know how bad I am with jump-scares. 

I don't know why I ran from them yesterday afternoon. I think it has something to do with the fact that I would've blurted out something completely wrong and something I didn't mean—like agreeing to the fact that I was in love with this random new boy. 

Also, knowing them they would've pulled anything I said way out of proportion. I understand that I suffer from a severe case of naive-bitch-itis and they're just trying to look out for me. But I'm not that dumb to go and fall for someone within the first few seconds of meeting them. 

Bring me Dylan O'Brien and that might be a different story. 

But I'm not going to lie, having four gorgeous guys being overprotective of my feels so wrong but so damn right. On one hand, I'm a strong independent women who don't need no man. Then on the other hand...I'm a weak ass bitch constantly needing someone to get an item for me from the top shelf. 

I swear even my blood type will be fucking confusing by this point. 

"Kara..." I hear my name pull me from my thoughts. I instantly glance up from the desk and gaze around a little too disorientated from the sudden movement. Someone nudges my arm and I look to my left. Reuben smiles softly at me, "Are you still in there?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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