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Aliyah's POV

"That bitch" I gasps as I noticed what
she did with my phone.

I smiled evilly sending her a text quickly

"You think you can get rid of me😆. Think again boo"

I always memories important numbers.

"Babe where are you"
Carson's text popped up

I grabbed my bag heading to the park spotting Carson's Jeep

"Hey babe" I said settling in
He eyed me

"Where were you? I was waiting for like forever"

"Don't be so dramatic" I rolled my eyes "I'm only 15minutes late"

He sighed
"I got the tickets you asked for"

"Thanks Babe"
I tried taking them but he raised his hands preventing me from collecting it

"I don't understand why I would get tickets to movies I'm not invited to"

I rolled my eyes

"I already told you why babe. Just hand them over or I'm getting off"

He eyed me suspiciously before handing it over.

"Whatever" he muttered

I pecked his cheeks
"Thanks babe"


Ava's POV

I stared blankly at the text I got from Aliyah.

She's impossible. Pest.
I groaned.
I can't shake her off.
I tossed my phone aside

The pain in my chest has gotten unbearable. But I refused to notify anyone yet. I don't need more pills or fluids that would do nothing to prevent the inevitable.

If I was going to die, then it should come quickly cause I'm tired of waiting.

An hour later I got a notification.
I picked my phone, staring at my screen

"Want to see a movie?"

I rolled my eyes. What's her deal?.

I decided to ignore cause I was sleepy anyways.

Scrolling through my playlist for an album to listen to  I slowly drifted into sleep

All it took was 45mins for my mom to yell my name

"Ava get your butt down here"

I groaned. She would kill me before this illness does.

I got off slowly, taking my time as I desend the stairs

"Mommm where are you?" I dragged, seeing no sign of my mother

"In the kitchen darling" her voice came through. But then I heard familiar giggles and my head snapped to the direction instantly

And there she was, in all annoying glory, going through the family photo album  like a creep.

"How did you get in here"

She looked up, still having a smile plastered on her face and then she rolled her eyes.

"Relax your mom invited me"

Did she just roll her eyes at me?
I stared blankly

"Whatever" I muttered


They kept laughing all while looking at my baby pictures. My mom roared with laughter when Aliyah whispered something in her ears.

I wasn't pissed or embarrassed. I was just irritated

"Mom stop, you sound like a wounded hyena" I stated

"Awwwn adorable" Aliyah giggled

Is this why mom called me?

"If you guys don't need me for anything I'll be going" I pointed out plainly

My mom stopped her laugh but was still smiling

"Don't be silly. Aliyah bought movie tickets"

"Okay...good for her"

She stood up trying to look serious but was failing miserably

"Come on now, get dressed and hang with your friend dear"

I stared in shock.

"But. She. Aliyah"

"Language young lady"

I wanted to say more but Aliyah beat me to it

"don't worry Mrs Davis I'll just go alone" she said so innocently.

Can you believe this?

"What nonsense. Ava doesn't have anything better to do anyways"

I noticed an evil smile on Aliyah's face

"Ava go get ready" my mom continued

"I don't think I want to" I replied dryly

"I'm not giving you an option Ava, don't keep Aliyah waiting" after saying that she excused herself

I can't believe this. They're both impossible. My gaze fell on Aliyah, but she was already staring at me, with a hint of amusement all over her face.

In what way does she think this isn't creepy at all?

TL TDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant