if I love you

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All day in class I was thinking about last night. Basically nothing serious happened but I can't help that I wanted something to

How did I go from, lonely and not being interested in anybody or anything to constantly wanting Aliyah close to me

I may have not told you guys this but I think I like Aliyah more than necessary. How did this even happen?

Trying to ignore my feelings hasn't been the best idea, cause it feels like it's attached to my skin, I can't wash it off

To make it worse, last night was an awakening of any form of feelings I tried to bury.

Walking up to school today i kept deliberating on whether to talk to Aliyah or not. What would I say. What do I want?

Classes were just the same. Boring boring boring. Nothing new. My mind would wonder constantly to Aliyah. I resisted the urge to stare at her. But for some unknown reasons, I felt like she was ignoring me.

"Don't you think it's funny that we've been in the same class for months and we're only getting to talk to each other just now"


I looked up to face the blonde girl of the other day who was all up on Aliyah.

She smiled, but it didn't look genuine

"Hi I'm Sarah and I just got assigned as your new partner"

Say what now?

I looked at the board and saw our project topics, assigned to different groups. Boy, I wasn't paying any attention

"May I" she said gesturing towards the seat close to me

I shrugged. She sat down anyway

She took out a pen and scribbled on my note book

"So here's my number, you call me or just text me your home address so I could come over and get started on this assignment"

I stared at her blankly.

Why would I give her my home address in the first place

"Libraries are meant for reading, we can do it over there after school, you don't need to come over to my place" I  spoke dryly

She frowned slightly

"But then, I have practice and I won't be able to make it"

"We can use lunch breaks" I shrugged

"Fine" she grumbled before taking her leave


I watched as she walked over to Aliyah who was waiting at the door. I slightly prayed that Aliyah would turn around and notice me, but she didn't. As soon as Sarah met with her they both walked away

This is driving me crazy.

This was my last period anyway so I had nothing to do other than wait for Ben to be done with his stupid practice.

This was Aliyah's last period too so I need to find a way to talk to her. But how do I do that when she has a fly hovering around her😒.

I waited at the parking lot but didn't get to see her, so I decided to head to the field cause sometimes she lays under the bleachers.

When I got there I noticed the guys jumping up and down, sweating and screaming at each other. Just wow

I kept going, hoping Aliyah would be here.

"Hey sis" Ben shouted, waving at me

I ackwardly waved back. I'm still not used to Ben being nice and all brotherly

I finally spotted Aliyah but not under the bleachers. I looked around, no sigh of Sarah. Finally.

I kept walking, not knowing what I wanted to say or do. She looked lost in thought, this scared me a bit

I stood close to where she was sitting, it was obvious she hasn't noticed me yet

I finally let out

"We need to talk"

Slowly her attention was on me. I felt my palms sweaty. I rubbed it on my jeans

"Em about?"

She responded skeptically

What do I want to talk about. How do I say, I'm going crazy just thinking about us. Do I want there to be 'us'

"About.. Everything"

My gaze instantly fell on her lips but I shaked my head. Ava not now

"Ava I don't..."

Fuck it

I leaned down and placed a peck on her lips. My mind was foggy from the softness so I pulled back instantly

The expression on Aliyah's face was anything but funny


I knew I shouldn't have done that

No response

I think I should leave

Just before I could leave, she pulled me by my hand so our bodies could meet, instantly connecting our lips together.

To say my brain was foggy the first time, was an understatement. I could literally pass out right now. It was slow and gentle. She would nibble on my bottom lip, which made every drop of senses in me disappear.

I've never been kissed before, but if this is what it feels like, I think I want it everyday

She pulled back slightly, pecking me

The way she stared at me were so lovingly, I felt consumed by it

Her hands kept caressing my neck. She placed her forehead gently on mine

It was quiet. Even the noise from the boys seem to fade out

"Gosh I love you" she breath out

"I love you Ava" 


Thanks for reading

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