Chapter 9

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A few days later, Eric disappeared from French class.

When I tried to email him, he wouldn't respond. In fact, he didn't even acknowledge me when we passed each other in the hallway. Scouring my brain, I couldn't think of one thing I'd done wrong. 

Unless he really did hate me because of our little argument.

Either way, I had to fix it. Once school was over, I decided to brave the senior halls to find Eric and smooth things over between us. I swallowed down my nerves and snuck inside. 

You got this.

It didn't take me long to find him. Cornered against the lockers by a group of buff jocks, Eric held his head high while Jack and Bryan stood among his tormentors. 

Hidden out of sight, I pressed myself against the door of an empty classroom and stole occasional glances at them from afar.

"This is your last warning, Stevens," said Jack. "Stay away from Jess."

What the—?

"I'm no threat," said Eric without a hint of fear.


"I gave her my email address." Eric overenunciated each word like he was speaking to a dullard. "What is your problem?"

"We've caught you following her," said Bryan. "Leering at her during lunch."


"How many times do I have to tell you? We were just friends."

My heart sank to my knees. Were? Past tense?

"Good. Keep it that way," said Jack.

Eric jutted his chin. "Her grandparents made her feelings about me quite plain, and I don't want any drama."

Rage burbled in my veins like fiery lava. How the hell did they contact him?

Jack released Eric with a vicious shove. "We're watching you."

My heart thudded against my ribs as Eric stormed past me on the way out. I called out after him, but he ignored me as he raced downstairs and out of sight.

Righteous anger gave me the courage to face those stupid losers. Even though they were all almost twice my size and buff as hell. 

"Hey, Bryan!"

He whipped around with a shocked expression. So many emotions flitted across his face, but in that moment I didn't care. Bryan had to learn he couldn't bully people into submission. 

"I heard every word," I said to him, "and I want you to know something once and for all."

Bryan parted his lips. 

"I have never been yours." Fury raged in my veins. "And I will never be yours."

"Jess, please...don't."

"I don't know what your problem is, but I'm not your prize."

"Show some respect," roared Jack. "We protected your sorry ass."

"No, you apologize to Eric this instant!"

Jack turned a shade of maroon I'd never seen on a human face before. With strident steps, he moved towards me, but Bryan held him back. 

"Let her go," said Bryan. "It's okay."

"What is your problem, Perez?" snarled Jack as he struggled to break free. "I'm tired of you teasing the hell out of my friends only to reject them later."

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