Chapter 23

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Care and I raced downstairs and collapsed on the brown canvas sofa while our grandparents played cards upstairs. Mom had laid out a banquet of popcorn, Doritos, and sweets on the marble coffee table in front of the giant, old-fashioned TV cabinet that housed my beloved Nintendo system and a collection of old VHS tapes.

We could hang out in the furnished basement without our families spying on us because it was at the furthest end of the house. They hadn't added any doors, which meant we would notice them from far away if any curious people decided to pay us a visit.

"Man, I adore Super Mario Bros 3," exclaimed Care as we coasted through World One. "It'll always be my first love. Even better than the original."

"Same here." Somehow I had room for popcorn after all that lunch and threw a few kernels into my mouth. "Though you are lucky to have a SNES."

Care grinned. "Hope to get a Nintendo 64 as a graduation present."

"You're so lucky!"

"So are you." She gave me a playful nudge. "Guess who's gonna see Eeeeric!"

"Not me."

"Say what now?" she asked, mildly perturbed.

I pressed pause and said in a faint whisper. "He's dating someone else."

"Hell no! I don't believe it."

"Believe it. It's true."

She sighed as though I was the stupidest person on the planet. "What did he say, Jess?"

"Don't sigh at me," I growled. "He said it with his own two lips. Well, not really because I was chatting with him online, but you get the point."

"What did he actually say?" she asked pointedly.

"He said he went dancing," I said, folding my arms. "With a girl. He'd worn her out. And we all know what that means. Besides, she was still there this morning."

Her jaw dropped. "No way!"

"Yes, way."

"Get the hell outta here!" She gasped. "How? But...? I...? What?!"

"Eric has a girl." Putting on my best acting skills, I gave a nonchalant shrug. "No biggie. I wasn't that fussed anyway."

"Okay, Sour Grapes."

"I'm not Sour Grapes!"

"You're a terrible liar," she said before chomping on a Dorito. "You know that, right?"


"Look, I ain't gonna argue with you on your birthday." Care crossed her arms. "But the way that guy asks about you can't be casual platonic interest."

I leaned back against the cushions with a huff. "Maybe it's a deep platonic interest."

"Jess, I'm serious."

"Me too."

Care flopped against the sofa and hummed in thought. "Did he say who he went dancing with?"

"None other than Helen," I said in a petulant tone.

She cracked up laughing and gave me a playful tap on the arm. "Oh, my God! Jess, you're such a dumb-ass!"


I crossed my arms in aggravation. When Care tried to stifle her laughter, it burst forth from her. 

"This isn't a freaking joke!" I insisted.

"Dude, Helen's gay."

Now it was my turn for my jaw to drop. "Whaaaaa?"

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