Chapter 35

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A/N: Please be sure to read Chapter 34 before Chapter 35 to avoid confusion. Today we have another double update! Thank you, dear readers. <3


Three days I stayed with Care and her family until things calmed down. During that time Grandad called me, but Mom refused to speak to me unless I promised not to see Eric again. 

To hell with that noise. 

If Eric decided to give me another chance, I wasn't going to say no for the sake of a stubborn eighty-four year old who knew better. It didn't matter whether she'd raised me or not.

In some ways it was a relief to get away from her. 

"Your grandmother's being a pain in my ass," growled Grandad on the phone. "She wants me to agree with her, but I think she's wrong. It's your choice, kid. You're an adult now."

"Tell me honestly, Grandad." I bit my lower lip, wondering if I wanted to hear the answer. "Did you like Eric?"

"I won't lie, kid. I'm torn."

"How so?"

"You're right. He's a gentleman." Grandad chuckled. "I didn't think they made them like that anymore. He spoke honestly from the heart. He's smart as hell. He loves the hell outta you."

"You think so?" I asked as my heart lurched forward, wondering if it should dare to hope.

"Kid, no man looks at a woman the way he looks at you if he isn't head over heels," he answered in his genuine gruffness. "Trust me, I know."

My heart thundered against my ribs. 

"The problem is that if either of you refuse to budge on the religion question," he said with a heavy sigh, "it might spell trouble later."

"Oh, man! Not you, too."

"Now hold on, kid! Let me finish."

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Unlike your grandmother, I think you should cross that bridge when you come to it," he said. "This Eric respects the hell outta you. He wanted you to say Grace."

"Right!" I gave a frustrated huff. "Exactly, it wasn't like he was saying our ways were full of suck."

"Language, Jess!"

"Sorry, Grandad."

"You're right, though." He cleared his throat. "It would have worried me more if he had told us not to say Grace at all. But he wants you to keep your faith as long as you respect his wishes."

"So you like him?"

"He's a keeper, kid."

 I gave an excited squee, making Grandad chuckle.

"It's too late, though." I bit my lower lip. "He hasn't talked to me since. Eric said he wouldn't endure it again, and quite frankly I don't blame him."

"Yeah, neither do I." Grandad sighed. "Your grandmother took it too far."

"Ten bridges too far," I insisted. "Imagine if Eric were Jewish, Protestant, or Muslim and his parents wanted me to convert to their religion before I could date him."

He paused in consideration. "Good point."

"If only Mom could see..."

"Now I've been trying to get your grandmother around to our point of view." He exhaled an annoyed sigh. "But it isn't easy. She can be a stubborn pig-dog when she wants to be."

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