Chapter 20

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Behind the lies

"Sunshine"? I rolled my eyes

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"Sunshine"? I rolled my eyes. "Yes, you are just a bundle of sunshine". I was surprised when I heard a deep chuckle. I thought he would blow up or get annoyed but instead, he just looks amused. "Oh-kay well.... I am going to go to bed". I got up and started to walk to my room. "have you eaten"? I stopped in my tracks and looked back at Enzo with a confused look. "What"? maybe I miss heard him after all this is the cold oldest brother. "Have you eaten"?  His voice remained calm and he looked at me with his eyebrows raised. "No". He got up and gave me a paper making me give him a dumbfounded look. "pick something, we will get some room service". I was shocked... beyond shocked. Why does he suddenly care? But then again I know Vince told them all to be nice. "No thanks". I said giving him back the menu harshly. "If you don't pick something I will pick something for you". I glared at him not letting him intimidate me. "I'm not hungry". He narrowed his eyes at me again. "I don't care if you are hungry or not. pick something or I will". He ordered his deep intimidating voice seeking through his demand. "Fine"! I rolled my eyes and then scanned the food on the menu. My face scrunched up in disgust as my eye looked over the prices. "What is wrong"? I jumped a bit startled at his voice. "These prices are too pricey". He looked at me clearly amused which made me annoyed. "What"? I asked irritated. "You do realise we own this hotel hmm"? He hummed. "whatever". He sat down on the couch grabbing his phone and laptop. "Pick something". He sounded more frustrated now. "I swear if you make me ask for the fifth time I will order the entire menu". He growled.

"Fine". I huffed. "can I just have the club sandwich please". I mumbled avoiding his eyes. He nodded then texted something on his phone. "Anything else"? I shook my head and gazed down at my shoes. "wait". He raised an eyebrow at me his eyes lacing with amusement. "Could I have some tea please". He nodded again typing on his phone. "what sort of tea would you like"?

"any is fine". He nodded after he was done texting he opened his laptop. "it should be here in a bit". I nodded and shifted awkwardly. I probably looked like a fish out of water because I was just standing there awkwardly watching him. "what's wrong"? I coughed clearing my throat awkwardly. I don't know why I was just standing here. "Um I was- what are you doing"? His lips twitched upwards into a small smile. "working... I thought you were tired"? I rolled my eyes then sat down on the couch he was on. "I was". I looked over at his laptop which was filled with files, numbers and work. He smirked down at me before returning to his laptop writing some email or something. "Where's Vince"? His face turned emotionless and his lips turned into a frown. "He had to go to a business meeting". His tone darkened and his jaw clenched. "oh". I slumped back at the couch feeling a wash of relief on my shoulder and body. I watched Enzo closely as he continued to type on his laptop. "what are you writing"? He sighed probably annoyed about all my questions.  "I am writing an email".

"Who too"? His lips twitched into a smile and he looked at me with a playful glare. "you ask a lot of questions piccolo". I huffed into my seat mumbling a 'whatever'. "- and what is with all your weird nicknames". His eyebrows furrowed into confusion. "What do you mean"? I rolled my eyes again. "I mean with all the weird Italian names. For all, I know you could be calling me a stinky pickle or something". He chuckled deeply and looked at me with full amusement. "perhaps I could ask you the same question with your nicknames". He hummed. "whatever... I just give nicknames to people who I think it fits". He just hummed in response and continued to work. "so, is this all that you do"? He stopped typing and looked at me confused. "Pardon"?

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