Chapter 48

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the memories behind the scars

the memories behind the scars

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After Lexi left it was about dinner time, the boys were all talking to dad about school and business. I can't help but think this is all so weird. I feel like I am living another person's life. This is all too good to be true... in any second, minute, hour,  day,  this is all going to be taken away from me. I just know it.... because nothing good in my life ever stays...

I have the scars to prove it...

"so, sweetheart I have so news for you." I looked from my half untouched food and looked at dad with a forced smile. "there will be a ball for you in two weeks." My smile dropped and I gave them all a disgusted look. Are they serious? Lile seriously a bloody ball? How posh are these bloody wankers are. "um why?" was the only thing I managed to say without saying something too rude. Bruno snickered and I felt him lightly jab me in the stomach. "we need to introduce you to the other mafias it's compulsory." Wow, he said that like it was nothing and all my brothers look unfazed by it. "you're pulling my hair aren't you?" I hope to god that he was just joking about this so-called ball. Bruno and Luke snickered trying to stiffer there laughs with coughs. Louis looked at me with a sly smirk while milo leaned back in his seat as if he was watching the best show in the world. Alex gave me a sympathetic smile and Enzo just had the same emotionless expression as Dad.

Bloody bastards.

"We are not joking Breanna and you are going." Great, he used my full name and everything. I couldn't be bothered arguing partly because I somehow know that my fate has already been written. "well if you think I am going to wear a dress you can shove that right up your uncanny uptight behind because I can assure you that I am bloody well not am wearing a dress." My tone was deadly serious as I glared daggers at dad daring him to challenge me. but of course, who would he be if he didn't. "I can assure you that no matter what argument you have, you are wearing a dress." He with some spaces between his words. this dude has absolutely no idea. Even John couldn't get me to wear a dress. No matter how many dresses he bribed me with. "we will see father dearest, we will see."

It is honestly the most amusing thing when I see my brothers face when I challenge dad. They all expect him to blow up or something. But it is always as if dad is expecting me to say or don something. It is as if he can see through my every action even if I hadn't done it yet. And that bothers the hell out of me. "so, I heard you had a friend over today." He swiftly changed the conversation while slicing his steak. "um yea Lexi came over." I nodded smiling a bit tom myself as I played with the vegetables on my plate. "aww little Brea has made herself a friend." Louis cooed pinching my nose. I kicked his shin rather harshly under the table. "Ow, what the fuck". I smiled sweetly at him batting my eyelashes at him. "Louis shall we have a conversation after dinner to discuss appropriate language," Enzo suggested in a dangerous tone. Louis then sunk in his seat mumbling a quiet 'no'. "I for one think that it is great seeing you make friends piccolo." Alex smiled warmly at me giving the warmest kindest eyes.

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