(3) three a.m.

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Over the next several weeks, things were hard on Sam and Allison, and tensions were running high

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Over the next several weeks, things were hard on Sam and Allison, and tensions were running high.

Sam frequently had to leave Allison's house, which he was now staying in indefinitely, as he still couldn't control his shifts. He had taken to sleeping on an old cot in the garage, telling Allison that it was ' for her safety' and that it was too dangerous, and Allison hesitantly agreed, knowing in her heart that he was right after he shifted on her porch after a small argument over the exact topic.

To pass the time, and to take both of their minds off Sam's new situation, they took to putting themselves to work, Allison on her car, an old '68 Chevelle that was currently a pile of rust. Sam, on the other hand, took to redoing the garage roof, which needed to be fixed now that he was living under it.

Currently, Allison was lying on a creeper seat underneath the car, while Sam was leaning next to it, staring off into the distance, lost in thought. He found himself like that a lot these days, quiet and in deep contemplation of everything, the present, the future, the tribe. Seemingly out of the blue, he asked a question that he had been wanting to ask since the day he shifted, but nerve seemed to be able to.


Allsion grunted, wheeling herself out from underneath the car and sitting up, wiping her hands free of grease on an old rag. "Why what?" She asked, confused, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked up at her best friend.

"Why did you stay? Hell, why did you let me back into your house to begin with? You could've locked the door and yelled 'Fuck off' and I would have understood, but you didn't. Why?" Sam asked, looking down into the brown eyes of the girl he held higher than anyone in his life.

Allison sighed, heaving herself up off of the ground, choosing to stand beside Sam instead, mimicking his stance, leaning against the car with her arms folded across her chest. After a few moments of tense silence, she answered, having wanted to collect her thoughts so she could answer in a way to make sure he understood.

"Because I love you, Sam." She said simply, finding that that was the best way to put it.
He raised his eyebrows at her questioningly.

"Not like that you dingus," Allison laughed, pushing his shoulder lightly. 'I love you like you're my best friend, and the only family I have, and no matter what happens, even if you explode into an extremely large dog sometimes, I'll always be here for you, and will always try to look out for you."

Sam stared at her for a minute, processing her words slowly, before he nodded, and turned back to staring off into the yard.

"I would do the same, you know- for you, I mean." He said quietly, and Allison smirked.

"I already know, Sam."


A few nights later, Allison lay sleeping deeply in her room, when the shrill ring of her landline woke her up abruptly. She turned toward her nightstand, rubbing the bleary sleep from her eyes so that she could look at the time.

3:00 AM

No way, no fucking way. Allison thought, her temper turning for the worst as the phone stopped ringing, only to start back up again. Allsion mumbled profanities to herself, throwing her legs off the bed and standing, not even bothering to throw pants on as she made her way toward the kitchen in a T-Shirt and underwear, picking up her incessantly ringing phone.

"Hello?" she grumbled crankily, pissed at whoever woke her up.

"Allie? This is Billy. I know Sam's there, and I need you to hand the phone to him right away."

Allison immediately stood up straighter, instantly alert at the urgent tone in his voice.

"What is it Billy? What happened?" Allison asked, turning toward the back door as she heard it creak open. She stood there with the receiver between her shoulder and ear, beckoning a tired looking Sam over. He had heard the phone ring, and was curious, as no one ever called this late.

He tried to ignore Allison's lack of clothing as he walked over, standing beside her and listening as Billy started talking into the receiver. He smirked for a second, as his enhanced hearing made him able to hear the Chief clearly without it even needing to be on speaker.

Allsion on the other hand, kept her gaze firmly on the counter, trying her best to ignore the heat in her cheeks as Sam had walked in in only his plaid pajama pants, his chest bare.

"It's the Cameron boy, Jared. He's got a fever and it looks like he's gonna phase any minute now, and we need Sam to get over here as fast as he can." Billy stated, and Allison could practically feel his nerves over the phone.

Allison glanced up at Sam in worry, and Sam simply nodded his head, conveying that he had heard and would be over there soon.

"We'll be there in a few Billy." Allison said quickly, hanging up before her chief could reject her coming with. She was a nurse, for Christ's sake, and they would need her if someone ended up getting hurt.


After getting dressed the fastest Allison ever had in her life, she ran toward the kitchen, grabbing her medical bag filled with supplies that was always at the ready, as you never know when someone could get hurt, her purse, and her car keys. Sher ran outside, the screen door banging shut behind her as she hurried over to her car, starting it and waiting for Sam to get in.

She became highly confused when she saw Sam walk out of the garage, and head toward the woods, the opposite direction of her car. She stared off in the direction he went, and almost jumped in her seat when she saw a black wolf, with eyes she's known her entire life walk out of the woods. The eyes of her best friend, her Sam.

He gave her what she could only assume was a nod, and took off down the road, keeping inside the treeline.

"I am never going to get used to this." Allison muttered with a smile and a shake of her head, before throwing her car into reverse and driving speedily toward the Cameron's place, across town.


edited on april 06, 2021

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