{13} Kwòlíyot'

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Allie's POV:

Three weeks have past since we've learned about the vampire problem. Sam, Paul, and Jared have been running shifts, Sam during the day and Paul and Jared at night.

My thigh is healing, and is good enough now that I can walk and do things on my own. The only issue I still have is the stairs, and I found that out the hard way, ripping a stitch in the process.

Both Paul and Jared have been living in the garage; Paul not being able to go home for fear of accidentally killing his father, Terrance, during one of his many drunken outbursts.

Jared couldn't go home either, with not being able to explain to his mom that the reason he's gone all night, every night is because he's hunting for Vampires (kind of).

Sam has finally moved back into his room, also, deeming me healthy enough to handle the nights alone.

The more time that passed, the more anxious everyone seemed to get. Everyone who knew, knew it was only a matter of time before the next Quileute phased. The next oldest boys in the tribe with the gene were Jacob Black and Quil Aterea V.

It was anyone's guess as to who would get the fever first.

Sam and I have been in an argument for the past few days, and it kills me.

I don't know what's happening to me, I've never had a problem staying mad at him before, he can be extremely irritating when he wants to be. But now, every hour that goes by that we're still mad at each other, the more intense the pain gets in my chest.

I don't understand it.

It's like my soul is breaking every time I have to pretend I'm still mad at him.

I can't eat, I can't sleep, and I hate that he has this kind of control over me. I don't understand what's changed between us, but I want to find out.

Flashback- 3 Days Ago.

"You're not going over there Allie! Don't you see I'm trying to protect you?"

"Well knock it off Sam! I'm not going to abandon these kids just because there's a possibility that one of them could phase. If they have a fever or anything like that I'll call you right away! I don't see what the big deal is!"

"You don't see what the BIG DEAL IS? Every. Single. Time. You've been around an inexperienced wolf, you've either almost been attacked or HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN ATTACKED- and now you want to go hang out with not one, but TWO OF THEM? Are you really that stupid? Because that's IDIOTIC Alison."

"Wow, Sam- nice. You done now? You get it all off your chest? I just want to be there for my friends- the kids that I practically RAISED. I watched them pretty much everyday until they were 12, and now you're telling me I can't see them? You can't control everything I do Sam, but at least now I know what you really think about me."


"Save it Sam, I don't want to hear from you right now. Don't you have patrol anyway? Just go." I said, pointing to the door and then looking down, trying to hide how hurt I was with him. Trying to ignore this ache in my chest that grew with every step he took away from me.

I flinched as the front door slammed shut, and watched through the window as small pieces of clothing fluttered to the ground, torn to shreds as Sam phased.

End of Flashback

I knew that whatever was happening with me wasn't normal. It wasn't something I could just go to the doctor for. It felt like more. More than just heartache over fighting with my only family. More than just normal emotional pain in general. After deliberating for a few minutes, I grabbed my keys and purse, heading out the door. I stopped into the garage to let Paul and Jared know where I was going, and started the drive to the only person I trust to know what's wrong with me.

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