(4) an alpha's command

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              When Allison arrived at the Cameron's house, she immediately knew something was wrong

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              When Allison arrived at the Cameron's house, she immediately knew something was wrong. For one, she could see a few people standing in their yards, looking confused, at three in the morning.

Her next clue was seeing Harry Clearwater, Billy Black, and Quil Ateara Sr. all in a row, most likely blocking from view whatever was happening in the Cameron's backyard.

As soon as Allison stepped out of her car, she cringed. Something- or someone, was howling loudly, and the howls sounded almost human, but not quite. It was so loud Allison had the urge to cover her ears, and now she understood why people were woken up.

She grabbed her bag out of the back seat quickly, and jogged over to the elders, standing hesitantly by Harry as she took in the scene in front of her.

A large grey and brown wolf, a tad bit smaller than Sam's form, was hunched on the ground, howling, growling and shaking, trying and failing multiple times to stand. A black wolf, Sam, she gathered, was standing over him, growling lowly as if he was trying to communicate with the panic stricken wolf.

"Is that Jared?" Allison asked Harry quietly, and frowned slightly when she saw Harry nod. She knew Jared, they had hung out a few times in high school, and was more than a little confused on why this was happening to him now, when it had just happened to Sam a few weeks ago.

She buried that question deep in her mind, not wanting to face the possible terrifying answers to those questions, and instead turned to Billy.

"What do we do?" Allison asked, and Billy shrugged, not taking his eyes off the wolves, most likely seeing it in person for the first time since he was a small child. She rolled her eyes and scowled at the childlike awe in the man's eyes, instead deciding to take matters into her own hands. Allison approached the two wolves slowly, ignoring the protests from Harry, who didn't want her to get hurt.

"Sam!" She called out as quietly as she could while still being heard. The black wolf turned around to look at her, and she had to physically keep herself from recoiling out of pure shock, still not used to seeing his eyes on an animal, especially one bigger than her on all fours.

"You have to get him out of here, people are going to come over and try to investigate. Take him into the forest, that clearing we go to- you know the one. It's far enough away that people won't see or hear him."

Sam looks at Allison for a moment, before looking behind her at Billy. Billy thinks it over and nods, and Sam then grabs Jared by the scruff of the neck, dragging him off into the woods.

Allison turns to Billy after they disappeared, letting out a sigh of relief as the sound quieted. "I'm going to follow them, to make sure everything is okay. I'll keep my distance, only intervening if needed. At least I'm there if someone gets hurt, advanced wolf healing or not."

Allison and Sam learned that he can heal abnormally fast after he had a bad run in with a roofing knife, almost taking his finger clean off. Allison was scared shitless, and immediately started grabbing things to go to the hospital, stopping only when Sam started laughing and held up his finger, which was already almost healed, leaving behind a large pink gash, that faded within the day.

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