Chapter 3 🌘 Escape Failer 1

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Abigail's pov.

I start waking up before my eyes even open. I groan loudly. That splitting ass headache is back again. I roll over on my belly to bury my head in my pillow. Wait! Why does everything feel so silky? It's the smoothest thing I've ever touched.

Oh, God no! He did come for me! He does have me! I lift my head to examine my surroundings. I'm in an elegant room. I'm on a king-sized bed with the nicest feeling sheets I've ever felt the color of silver.

I turn back over an sit up. Damn my head hurts. I think this happens every time he puts me to sleep or so it seems at least.

I look around to get a feel of my surroundings. Theirs a beautiful vanity to the right of where I'm sitting also silver. There's a beautiful looking long chest at the foot of the bed again also silver. Close by the door is a two-seated table it's definitely odd shaped the chairs too they are silver as well.

There seems to be a closet I presume with two silver sliding doors next to another room. I get up to investigate. If I plan to ever escape this man or whatever he is I need to start planning asap.

I make it to the suspicious room that's twerked my curiosity to decide there should have been a door for this room its the bathroom for fucks sake! There's a really huge silver tiled shower next to an elegantly looking silver odd-looking tub.

Across from them a huge two sinked vanity with a huge mirror. Down from it a toilet that's not normal looking as well and also silver. All the walls seem to be a light silver-blue too. Not quite matching making it all look very expensive and well designed.

I decided I am a nosey person so I need to further inspect my current surroundings. I open a drawer to the bathroom vanity and see all my favorite brand make up. It makes me gasp. It's all the stuff I use but all brand stinking new! There are also nail polish, nail files, and buffer. I shut it and decide to check the next one under that one.

It's a blow dryer and a hair straightener just like the exact ones I own already! They are also brand new never been used. I shut it moving on to the next one under that drawer. There is my brand of toothpaste an exact replica of my toothbrush and my brand of razors. My brand of tampons in a new box, in fact, all brand new! This is so fuckin creepy!

I look on the shower and again my brand of rose body wash my brand of rose shampoo and conditioner. This only confirms creepy stalker meter alert in my opinion. There's a shelf with nicely OCD folded towels, rags, and hand towels. Four of each set all silver too.

"Ma'am, may I assist you in finding something?" I hear a monotone voice question me. I gasp and swing around meeting a tall looking man in a uniform with a blank expression plastering his face.

"This is the fucking bathroom what if I was changing or peeing for fucks sake? Where the hell am I?" I inquire aggressively.

"Please try to remain, calm ma'am. I'm Evack and a robot so your privacy is not required. I will assist you with any needs you acquire." He states lamely in his monotoned voice he has.

"A robot?" I question.

"Yes, top-grade at that." He informs me.

"Where am I...Evack?" I question him again. I still can't believe he's a fucking robot! He looks pretty human from my view. A bit pale I'll admit but human-looking none the less.

"We are currently outside the planet Alder. Captin has business with King Alder that's all the information I'm allowed to share at the moment." He says all board and monotoned.

"Oh my God! I'm not on Earth?" I was asking my self more than him but...

"No planet Earth is only accessible two days once every three years ma'am." I don't know how to reply to that. This can be a dream but I have a gut feeling it's definitely not.

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