Chapter 7 🌘 Escape Failer 2

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Abigail's pov.

"This here ma'am is the flighter room."

I'm looking at a room with there flighter pods.

But my son didn't open the door.

Were looking at it through the window of the door.


"Evack open the door I'd like to take a closer look."

I eyeball him waiting for his back talking.

"If I take you in there ma'am you cannot get in the flighter pods."


I shouldn't had blown his head off to get to em.

Now he's on high alert.

I have to find something to knock his asd out.

Then I'll drag his ass along with me as an accomplice.

I'm such a bad mom.

I don't know if I want kids now.

At least my kids a robot I can't scar him for life.

"You know why ma'am."

I nod.

The less he knows the better.

I'm just glad to be going inside the room.

That is until he takes a nice nap.

He opens the door and we're in door closing behind us.

I want ta clap my hands.

Then my son would think I'm losing my mind or up to no good.

My son already thinks I'm a bad influence.

He's just been brainwashed by his father.

No telling what he's uploaded in his head.

"This here is a small flighter pod. It fits only one person and easy to maneuver in tight areas on other planets."

I nod.

Not interested.

I need at least a two-seater.

"Over here we have the captain's flighter pod it can fit up to ten passengers. Its also equipped with a restroom and food and certain defense mechanisms for the captains safety."

I nod.

Its a bit on the big side but if it comes to it we will be stealing the captain's flighter pod.

"This one here is a four passager flighter pod."

My brain cuts him out with my internal need to find something to put my kid in night-night land.

I see a shelf over to the far right wall it looks to be metal objects on it probably parts for pods.


I smile widely.

I run to the objects.

"What's these!"

Calm down Abigail your way too excited. Your gonna give it away.

I pick up a pipe looking object.

"What's this?"

He goes to grab it.

Oh shit!

I step back.

"Let me have a look at it ma'am then I could tell you by the serial number on the part."

My Possessive Alien ZolkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang