Chapter 10 🌘 I'm An Alien

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Abigail pov.

Im so nervous.

Evack gave me the most beautiful outfit I've ever seen.

It's completely red.

It shimmers.

It's floor length.

Off the shoulder.

With a beautiful silver wrap around the waist.

It's probabky the most beautiful dress I've ever witnessed.


I look myself over stunned at how lovely I truly look.

A knock comes to my door.

And in poofs an alien woman.

Oh, yeah I'm the alien.

I mentally remind myself this.

"Hello my lady I'm Shar. I was summoned to take care of your hair and makeup."

Well I guess my doing won't be good enough today or something.

"I'm Abigail. Since I don't know your styles in hair and in fashion it's probably for the best."

I sigh.

"Yes,humans have low intelligence and wouldn't know of our ways."

Wow, what a bitch!

I didn't do shit to this alien throt!

"I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm unintelligent."

I say with a bit of sass.

Roll my eyes to complete my drift.

"If you say. Shall we get started."

She dead pan's me.

"No, we shall not. I can take care of my self. Thank you, now see your way out."

I say rudely.

But I give no fucks.

Bitch can get gone with all that bullshit!

Her eyes widen like sausers.

It's quite comical really.

I give a smirk at her audacity.

"Fine Prince Zolk won't be happy to hear of this."

And poof the Houdini bitch has disappeared.

Thank God!

It sure was about ta get ugly up in here.

I take out my curling iron and plug er up.

Get my make up and busy myself to looking my best.

I took some cosmetology in high school.

I'm damn fantastic with eyeliner and mascarra.

Hair styles of all types too.

I'll show them bitches who ain't unintelligent even if it aint their style.

It's mine and thats all that fucken matters to me right now.

I didn't ask ta be draged from my planet.

Or to become an alien.

Dumb bitch!

I perfect my makeup.

It's stunning along side my dress.

I curl my long dark hair and pin it in a cute up do with ringlets of curls here an there flowing out.

My Possessive Alien ZolkUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum