Chapter 132 - Zone Destroying

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When the smoke cleared Mein saw the sword pointed at him and scowled.

A small army of robot nazis appeared behind the fatty. 'So that's what Mein Armee is.'

Will was surprised that Mein could bring his army into this Zone since they were not created by him. As for Mein's invisible partner, Will already had a clue as to where he was but that's for another time.

Mein opened his arms in a grandiose manner and said, "No matter how strong you think you are, you cannot defeat an army of 100 high leveled people! Each one of my subordinates here has a high-quality class and is at level 99! What? You despairing now? You regret attacking me? It's too late negro!"

Mein's robot nazis could level up to the same cap he had, so if he had the resources he could create an army of thousands of level 99 robot nazis.

Will only marveled for a second and then ignored the fatty. He used his sword to draw a strange rune on the ground with a curious grin. What did a mage's True Strike look like? This was one of the questions Will had been ruminating over the previous day. A warrior's true strike consisted of three aspects. Technique, qi, and intent. So by shifting it, a mage's true strike should need a spell, mana, and intent. Or so Will thought.

Will wasn't really much of a spell user. He had however gathered quite a few spells from clearing the dungeon by the gas station where he met Duke for the first time. That dungeon was more of a fire attribute place, but there were a few spells Will learned that he believed could be useful in the future.

They were all rated as b class skills so by themselves they were not of much use to Will. But together...

The spells were:

Heart Felt Burst: Allows one due use their heart to connect to their blood and augment its vitality.

Bloody Flesh: Allows one to convert dead flesh into blood

Bloodline network: Allows one to link up blood molecules and alter its properties

Pyroclastic flow: A explosion similar in nature to a volcanic eruption. with an objection or area chosen as the epicenter.

Will was planning on combining these four spells for his True Strike. Will experimented with the true strike many times before with his sword technique. He learned many things, for example, the more complex the sword technique he used, the higher the quality of intent required, and the greater yuan he had to infuse. So logically the same should apply with spells.

Will had originally planned to use other simpler spells for his experiment, but his recent enlightenment had said otherwise. Will realized he had one ace in the hole he had not used. Thus he intended to use these four spells in tandem.

"Mein, I have a joke for ya. What do you and the corpses have in common?" Said Will as he bent down to touch the rune he had drawn.

"If you are insinuating that I will end up like that then you are mistaken." Mein raised a hand, signaling that his attack was about to start. This was his zone. He knew it very well. The only way those corpses could be brought in is if the system believed they were part of his immediate battle power. In other words, they were part of a spell that he had activated.

Mein was not a fool. He that Will was above your average user. Because he was one of Aurora's Peerless candidates!

'If I kill that piece of trash, then that would mean I could have possibly killed Peerless!'

The thought of being the one who had killed the number 1 sovereign was irresistible. Plus he had heard certain rumors. Rumors that had stated an interesting rule. If you kill a Sovereign, you become one. Mein was itching to try that out, but that was all on the premise that Will was Peerless. If he was, then this battle would be far from easy. Not to mention...

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