Chapter 13

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Applause echoes through the cavernous room. I stare up at the stars and constellations that embellish the vaulted, teal-green ceiling of Grand Central Station, trying to distract myself from the army of reporters and photographers watching as I follow Paul and my co-stars up the marble staircase and onto the balcony that will serve as a makeshift platform for the press conference.

Sunlight streams through the massive windows behind us. The entire place smells like a mixture of floor wax, luxury perfume from the shops down the corridor, and the metallic tang of the subway. Briggs prowls across the mezzanine, long mustache tugged down in a frown as he scans the room. A full security squadron has been strategically placed on the staircases and throughout the room. We don't usually hold events in such public locations, but Grand Central is iconic in the Cipher fandom.

The first scene of the show—when Faye and I arrive in New York City—was filmed next to the information booth with the famous clock glowing above us. And the Whispering Walls in the lower concourse is where we overheard the clue that unlocked the mystery of the third season.

This balcony also happens to be the spot where my character kisses Ariani's for the first time during what will be the forthcoming midseason finale. This event is a sort of Easter egg for the fans. Ariani even wore a black t-shirt with a large 'XOXO' in gold sequins across the front. Scheduling the Q&A here was a smart move on the publicity team's part.

But being paraded in front of all these people makes me feel twitchy and exposed. Especially since the station is still open to commuters, hustling by on their way to work or pausing to gawk at the spectacle we've created. The desire to run as fast and far from this place as possible is almost overwhelming. But ditching another press event would definitely mean getting my ass fired, so I have no choice but to stick it out.

I force myself to smile as I grab a microphone and take a seat on the stool next to Ariani. A muscle in my jaw flexes as I scan the rows of reporters seated inside the roped-off section beneath the balcony. Dozens of photographers cluster around them, their cameras balanced on tripods, sights trained on us. A legion of fans has gathered as well, screaming our names and holding up signs saying things like 'Marry Me Wesley' and 'Faye + Ariani 4Ever.'

I don't realize I've started bouncing my knee up and down until Ariani reaches over, pressing her hand against my thigh to stop me from fidgeting. A few people let out catcalls. Ariani laughs, setting her hand back in her lap.

The official trailer for the final season dropped this week and included a scene where the two of us almost kiss, catapulting the fandom's speculation over our characters' relationship status to an all-time high.

Paul turns on his microphone and starts off the event, thanking the press for coming and explaining how this season is a tribute to the fans for all their support and enthusiasm over the past few years. He's just launching into a speech about what an emotional experience filming has been for the whole cast and crew when I notice a commotion near the back of the room. From the pissed-off expressions on everyone's faces and the gap of space I can see cutting through the mob, it's obvious someone's trying to push their way to the front.

I hear a girl shout, "Excuse me! I need to get through here."

I recognize the voice a split second before she breaks through the swarm of fans to join the other photographers. It's Ada. Of course, it is. That girl has a talent for causing a scene wherever she goes. I'm not sure if she's flustered or sunburned, but her face and shoulders are red. Her ponytail is a mess of wavy, lilac hair. She's wearing a pink tank top and black athletic shorts that show off a pair of long, toned legs, which I definitely hadn't noticed before. She glances up at the balcony and catches me staring.

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