Chapter 21

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"Well, if it isn't my ex-man's new girlfriend." Mia Harlow's bright-red lips curl into a smile that doesn't match the icy gleam in her eyes as she stares down at me. She's flanked by a pale, willowy girl who looks like she'd snap in half if the wind blew hard enough and a girl with rose-gold hair that shines in the soft lighting. I recognize both of them from previews I've seen for some new singing competition show. I'd been so caught up in the media storm around Liam and me, I honestly hadn't thought much about Mia.

Considering she's his very recent, very famous ex-girlfriend, that now seems like a major oversight. I wonder if she still has feelings for him. I wonder if he still has feelings for her. The thought makes my stomach clench in a way that surprises me. I shouldn't care if Liam still has a thing for his ex. It's not like I'm interested in him or anyone else, not like that.

"What are you doing, Mia?" Ariani gives Mia a look filled with so much venom, I'm surprised she doesn't wither on the spot. Faye's expression isn't any warmer. Clearly, Liam's friends aren't members of the Mia Harlow fan club.

"I wanted to say hello to our new friend here." She nods at me. Her overly-bleached teeth flash as she tosses her hair over her shoulder. She's obviously trying to intimidate me. She must expect me to cower, but I've never been one to give in to bullies.

"How nice of you," I say so sweetly, I think I just gave myself a cavity.

Mia's smirk falters. I glance over at her friends. The blond shoots me an almost comically cold glare, but neither of them says a word. It's like they're here as Mia's props.

"All right, you've said hello. You can go now." Ariani makes a shooing motion with her hand. I try to smother a snort of laughter and fail.

Mia's eyes are scathing as she rounds on me. "You know Liam's only pretending to be into you to help his career, right? He'd never go for someone so basic." She looks me up and down.

Her words sting even though I'm very aware that Liam could never have real feelings for me. I'm not about to let her see me flinch though.

"You sure about that?" I cock my head to the side, not blinking as I match her stare.

Liam and Wesley reappear at the table, and Liam sets bright pink cocktails down in front of Elodie and me. I notice he didn't get anything for himself. Wesley hands Faye and Ariani their drinks, but they're too busy staring Mia down to notice.

Liam sits next to me, sliding his chair over so he's pressed against me. Our eyes lock, and he runs his long fingers through my hair, letting them slide through the strands and down my back, leaving fire in their wake.

"Everything good over here?" Liam's eyes are so concerned, everything inside me turns to goo. I make a mental note to never pretend to date an actor again. My body doesn't seem capable of distinguishing real from fake no matter how hard my mind tries to keep it all straight.

But right now, I need to concentrate on selling this relationship to Mia and anyone else who happens to be watching. I'll have to worry about untangling my knotted-up emotions later. Reaching out a hand, I trail my fingers gently over the stubble across Liam's cheek. "I'm good."

I feel Liam's quick inhale of breath, and I'm certain he didn't fake it. Apparently, his body is as confused as mine. Letting my hand drop, I glance over at Mia. Something like pain flickers across her face, but then her expression transforms so completely, it's as though I imagined it.

She sneers at us. "Wow. That was almost an Oscar-worthy performance for once, babe."

Liam's arm stiffens around me, whether in reaction to the pet name or the dig at his acting ability, I'm not sure.

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