34. Friday Week Thirteen

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SURPRISE  DOUBLE UPDATE!! Thank you to all of you who are reading. I love the comments, knowing what you guys think of the story means so much so thank you!

Anyway, ENJOY!!

34. Friday Week Thirteen

"Urgh, why am I here again?" I asked Kiara for what felt like the tenth time that evening.

"Because you know Cayd and Raven already so it will make it easier for them to meet the rest of the group."

I frowned and looked over at her as she pulled another dress out of her wardrobe to try on, "why are you so eager for them to 'join the group'"

Kie gave a small smile and turned to face me where I sat perched on her bed, "I don't know if you know, but me, Kyle and Arik all grew up together just like Ryker, Cayd and Raven did. And then we met Ryker in middle school and all six of us started hanging out together. We stopped hanging out so much when Cayd and Raven left school but I would still consider them close friends of mine," she shrugged then as she came to sit next to me on the bed, "I don't know, I just feel so lucky to have met all of you girls and to have such a big group of friends who I know love me and I just want them to have that as well I guess."

My heart warmed at Kie's compassion for her friends and I gave her a wide smile, "well, okay then, I guess that means that I'm going to have to look my best tonight, let's do this."

She grinned back, "let's."

— — — — —

After the rest of the girls arrived and we all got ready together, we left for a house party; all of us in desperate need of a night of fun.

"Wait," Kins called before we went entered the house to meet the boys.

"What's up, chica?"

Kins looked at all of us, "no drinking tonight."

Kie frowned, "why not?"

Kinsey shrugged, "I dunno, I just think it would be nice if for once we left a party without one of us being shitfaced."

Tori snorted, "I wouldn't mind that, you guys are a nightmare when you are drunk."

I smiled, flinging an arm across Tori's shoulders, "you loveee us though."

She rolled her eyes, but smiled and we all made our way inside.

The minute I saw Raven a smile lit up my face and I couldn't stop myself from pulling her into a hug. She 'hmphed' at my tight and sudden grip but after a moment she released a laugh and tugged me tighter into her arms.

"Cayd was bragging about seeing you the other day," she told me as she pulled out of the hug.

I rolled my eyes, "where is the idiot?"

"Hey! What did I do to get labelled as an idiot?"

I span to face him and smiled, "come on, I'll introduce you to everyone." Cayd's eyes lit up and I suspected briefly if he was wondering about a particularly quiet red head that we were all fond of.

Kyle whistled when he saw me, grabbing my hand and spinning me which made me laugh, "this is a very nice dress, sweetheart."

The dress he was referring to was a black cami slip dress in shiny satin with a lace up back, "why thank you."

He winked before leaning down to whisper in my ear, "Ryker's an idiot, Rei."

My smile melted away and I pulled Kyle into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me but Kyle being Kyle, he couldn't have more than 5 seconds of seriousness so he began swaying us back and forth at a rapid pace making me giggle furiously.

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