38. Thursday Week Fifteen (the invitation.)

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Okay, a little heads up. Chapter 38 is three parts long sooo very long basically but it was my favourite chapter to write and I actually had it planned out in my head when I started the book. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!! 

Thank you, gorgoeus people!! You are wonderful!! 

38. Thursday Week Fifteen (the invitation.)

The week had gone by agonizingly slowly. The absence of my Nan and brother enhanced my loneliness as all my friends distanced themselves from me in the hopes that I would tell them the truth.

Trying my hardest to stick to normality, I was continuing my tutoring sessions with Riley despite Eli's demands that I stop.

"You've improved so much, Riles," I informed him as we packed away our stuff.

"I know," the arrogant smirk which accompanied his statement yanked at my heartstrings — he was so similar to Eli.

Like I had been doing for weeks, I put up a front, I rolled my eyes at him and gave him a smile which I didn't really mean.

"I'll see you next week then, kiddo."

He nodded at me then left the dining room. I exhaled a breathe and ran my hands through my hair again, time to go home.

Or so I thought.

Debbie came rushing into the dining room, she looked a mess, her hair was soaking wet, she was wrapped in a dressing gown and I'm fairly certain her slippers were on the wrong feet.

"Oh, Rei, honey, thank god you are here," she caught sight of the fading bruise on my cheek, "oh, sweetie! What did you do?"

She raised her hand to move my hair aside, allowing her to get a better look but I flinched away, "I just fell, I'm okay."

It was weird having to lie about the physical bruises, in the past, Marcus had always been so careful to make sure that there were no visible bruises anywhere on me.

"Do you want me to take a look at it?"

I shook my head with a smile, "Is everything okay?"

"Okay, sweetie. But no, yes, oh god," she was stressing herself out, "could I ask you a favour?" At my nod, she continued, "we are having guests over for dinner tonight so Rose is busy cooking in the kitchen, Raven and I are trying to get ready ourselves and I just don't have the time to get the girls ready. Could you please give them a hand before you go?"

My lips parted on a breathe because I felt it was strange that she was asking me, her son's ex-girlfriend, to help her; but still, I agreed. She thanked me profusely before handing me Ivy's pink dress and Aspen's yellow dress. I looked down at the frills and sparkles adorning the coloured fabrics and raised my brows, these sure were fancy, must be very important guests.

Okay, Rei. You can do this, Eli's not home, you will be fine.

After my little pep talk, I made my way to the girl's room to help them get dressed. They were adorable, of course, they let me braid their silky hair and pick their glittery shoes. By some miracle, I had them ready in about 30 minutes. Exhaling in relief that now I would finally get to leave, I left the girls room in search of Debbie, acutely aware that the longer I stayed here, the higher chance I had of bumping into Eli.

And then, because the world worked in cruel and evil ways, I did.

Shock registered on his face as he steadied me. It felt so comfortable, being in his arms, so familiar, but then everything he said flashed through my mind and I stepped back, out of his hold. He looked the same, gorgeous as always and no visible bruises that I could see. He was dressed in black slacks and a black shirt that had the top few buttons undone. His hair was styled but was still messy from where he had run his hands through it. He basically just looked sexy as hell — fucking fantastic.

The Fighter and His Tiger (Unexpected Love #1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin