Duryodhan And Karn, Ideal Friends?

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Draupadi wiped the hot tears off her eyes and bid goodbye to her sister Shikhandini, brother Drishtadhyumn and Father King Drupad. She saw her five husbands riding their horses in front of her palanquin and making way for her to move.

"Doesn't Rajkumar Arjun love me?" she asked herself as she recollected how he agreed for her sixth marriage.

"I have always wanted the man with five qualities, but the five qualities have been divided among five men and I have been divided among them too.

Prince Yudhishtir indicates the quality of being balanced and static during any diversity or facing a problem.

Prince Arjun indicates the focus quality of a person and

Prince Bheem represents the quality of inner strength.

Prince Nakul represent to be neutral and non-judgemental in life


Prince Sahdeva wishes for the welfare of all.

But, what does Angraaj Karn have?" Draupadi wondered as they travelled along the river Ganga's stretches.


"I am proud of him Mamashree. Angraaj has all the qualities a human should have. He is balanced, focused, non-judgemental, knows about his inner strength and wishes for the welfare of all," Duryodhan said as he rubbed his cheeks

"He is truthful, loyal and never hides anything from me," Duryodhan said

"That is the problem, my child. He wishes for everyone's welfare," Shakuni limped towards Duryodhan

"I do not like his good qualities, Mamashree, but I respect him," Duryodhan said and turned to him

"Because even I am a Yodha. Till now, all your plans have flopped, right from poisoning Bheem till the Varnavrat incident, the Pandavas turned out to be alive, unharmed," Duryodhan said gritting his teeth.

"Are you leaving me for the stupid Sutputra?" Shakuni asked angrily,

"No Mamashree, he is Angraaj Karn, a warrior King, mistakenly born in Suta caste. What are Kavach-Kundal doing in a Suta's body, Mamashree?" Duryodhan asked as he recollected a day,


Duryodhan and Angraaj Karn were facing each other in a friendly duel match of sword-fighting. Karna warned Duryodhan not to attack his chest.

As the duel began, Karna and Duryodhan gave their best to disarm each other and as Duryodhan attacked Karna on his chest, Karna's Kavach appeared and it nearly burnt down Duryodhan's hands. Duryodhan immediately threw the sword on the ground, thus, Karna won the duel.

"Where did you get that Kavach from?" Duryodhan said pouring water in his nearly burnt hands

"From birth?" Karna said with uncertainty.

"I wish I had one," Duryodhan chuckled


"I made him my friend so that he can counter Arjun. I wished to have Kavach-Kundal like the one he has. But when I learnt that it was a part of his body, I decided to make him my Kavach," Duryodhan said and continued

"I gifted him a Kingdom, Angdesh, that was very poor in infrastructure. But he rebuilt it so well and proved to be better than all other Kshatriyas. Friend Ashwatthama is with me because he expects that I would make him king. But Angraaj Karn has no expectations. He is ready to give away all his belongings to me. He is even ready to give up Angdesh and does not want anything in return. He is with me just because I saved him from humiliation. He is a true friend without any expectations, and that is why I salute him," Duryodhan said as he looked at Shakuni

"For the first time, I feel guilty of using someone, that is Angraaj Karn," Duryodhan concluded

Shakuni's castles were being destroyed. The poison he had been filling in Duryodhan's mind was being reduced. No, hatred for the Pandavas and thirst for the Hastinapur Throne should never get reduced in his mind. He had to think of something.

"Why are you feeling bad, my child? Angraaj Karn also wants you to rule the Hastinapur Kingdom, don't you remember how Panchali insulted you?" Shakuni asked

This enraged Duryodhan.

"I swear, I will take revenge for all her misdeeds," Duryodhan said as he threw a vase from the table and stormed out of the room.

"Hmm... That will keep him on track... " Shakuni stroked his beared


"I do not know if I have the right to say this, Maharani. But being Prince Duryodhan's friend, I would always wish for his welfare," Karna knelt to Gandhari.

Gandhari smiled and touched Karna's forehead, "I always consider you as my son, and I know what you are going to talk about," Gandhari sighed

"My brother," she continued

"How... how do you know, Maharani?" Karna asked surprised

"A mother knows everything, doesn't she?" Gandhari smiled

"You are the most handsome young man in the whole Aaryavrat, Angraaj," Gandhari said

"But, you have covered your eyes... " Karna was cut in between

"I can feel your goodness," Gandhari said and sighed again

"My brother wants revenge from the Kuru family just because I have blindfolded myself, he is determined to make Duryodhan the king," Gandhari said

"A mother has all the rights to show her child the right path," Karna said, carefully trying not to offend Gandhari.


Krishna smiled and looked at the blazing sun.

"I must admit, that the Sun God is blessed," he chuckled

"What happened, my Lord?" Rukmini asked as she saw her husband smiling at the sun

"Someone has taken my words seriously, I appreciate it," Krishna said and walked into his chambers.


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