Duryodhan's POV

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Karna told Krishna about what happened in Hastinapur



"Listen friend, I have always loved my wife and respected her. This is a patriarchal society we are living in.Hence,men having many wives are accepted. Your idea of equality among men and women undoubtedly does not fit in this place. That idiotic Drupad Kanya has five husbands!.Five!...

If the same case had been in a matriarchal society, her condition would have been accepted. In such a case men having many wives would be called womanizers and women could have many husbands. 

But in present situation, in this society, any woman having more than one husband can be called a whore," Duryodhan said in a half drunk state

"No friend....you are not understanding..." Karna was cut in between

"You talk about equality and respect, right? Then why do Kings marry many women? Tell me...only for political reasons.....to increase the strength of their army by forming alliances with other Kingdoms. But why did that Drupad Kanya marry the Pandavas? I will tell you...

If in case the Pandavas manage to get five kingdoms, each and every one of them is crowned the King of the five kingdoms, Panchali, being the common wife of all the five men, will be the queen of all the Kingdoms. She is such a greedy, self-centred woman..." Duryodhan said stumbling in the bed

Karna nodded in a no...

"You think about the welfare of the people...right? How the king behaves, the people will follow the King. Am I right friend Karn?..." Duryodhan asked

Karna nodded

"Now tell me.....what will the women of Hastinapur learn from Panchali, if she becomes the queen? Will they be dedicated to their husbands? Or will they tell their husbands that they want to marry another man and there is nothing wrong in doing so because even the queen has five husbands? Tell me, friend Karn.. 

After the Kauravas humiliated her, the women of Hastinapur will have a fear and will remain dedicated to their husbands. In the fear of being called a whore, they will be a Pathi vrat and they will be full of purity. What mistake did I do?" Duryodhan questioned Karna

Before Karna could say something

"No one had such a marriage like Panchali had or no one will have in future, in the fear of being humiliated by others," Duryodhan said

"If your intention was for the benefit of women of the Kingdom, the result would have been different..you just wanted to take revenge from her because she snatched away all our weapons..." Karna said

"Of course! I needed revenge...but I do not think calling her a whore was wrong....This society is judgmental.....Why can't I judge?.....anyone in the future too will agree with my point of view....

The five stupid Pandu putr did not defend her. It was only you who protected her. Not even Bhishm Pitamah came to her rescue...why? Because she was won by us..." Duryodhan laughed

"But I am still happy that you showed the Pandavas that they are lower than you. You saved their wife when they couldn't. It would be enough to demean them...." Duryodhan chuckled and continued

"The man who cannot protect his wife at the time of need....can he protect the people of Hastinapur?...Who will be the better King? Him? or me?" Duryodhan asked and said

"If brother Yudhistir promises someone that he will not go to a battle, he will not....but what if the enemies enter into the Kingdom and torture the people? Will brother Yudhistir stick to his promise or will he raise weapons to protect the people? Of course, his ego of following Dharma, and keeping promises will blinden him and he will definitely forget the Dharma of being a King..." Duryodhan continued

"The man who cannot protect himself from deceivers like us....how will he face the situation where he will be surrounded by many people who would try to snatch his position by deceit? How will my so called elder brother Yudhistir face many people like Shakuni Mama who may try to achieve their goals by cheating...? Tell me, friend,"  Duryodhan passed out on his bed, leaving Karna with hundreds of unanswered questions in mind.


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