Unending Agony?

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"So what if I did not give birth to you? I AM your mother and the whole world knows it! You are Radhey..." Radha stopped for a moment to read Karna's expression. She saw the Vijaya slipping out of his hands. Her child was mentally traumatised. She had revealed the truth at the wrong time, she thought. Karna stood up like a walking corpse and slowly stepped out of the house and blindly walked towards the riverside.

Bloody sutputra! You don't deserve to learn warfare!

How dare you raise the bow? Don't you know that Sutas are not allowed to learn warfare?

How many times have I told you Karna? I am your father! Please listen to me son, don't become enemies with the whole Kingdom.

Why Aarya? Our son is skilled. Why can't he? He loves archery more than anything else in this world!  I cannot see tears in his eyes. I will support my son!

Do you know he was almost murdered today? Thanks to his Kavach-Kundal! I will think about the safety of my son as a father. Safety is more important than happiness.

Go home sutputra! Even your father knows Sutas don't have competence.

How can rats fly? It is not desire! It is foolishness

We love our son, after all he saved your son from the wild animal and you are demeaning him for raising his bow ? Hadn't he killed the wild animal your son wouldn't have survived

Whatever! He has no right to touch the bow! It is Adharm.

How can you even think of learning warfare? 

You shouldn't have lied to me, Karn! It is okay to be a sutputr, but my child, you broke my trust today. It is natural to forget the education gained by deceit, it is not my curse, it is nature's rule.  I would have sent you to a good teacher if you had told me about yourself in the first place. I had promised myself that I would teach only Brahmins, my child. You are one of the brightest and disciplined disciples I've ever had. But I never imagined I would have to see such a day.  I can see the pain and hurt in your eyes. Don't worry, I know what you want. You've always yearned for name and fame. Keep this bow with you. Till you have this Vijaya bow, no one can defeat you,it is my gift for you, my son. Whatever happens, fight for justice, but never support what is wrong.

You are my son! I gave birth to you! I am sorry! Mata should have kept you with me. But I was...I was scared. People would have called you...fatherless

Karna slowly reached the banks of the river. He began to imagine a few lines

Fatherless!  Illegitimate!  Illicit!  Unlawful!  Unfathered! 

"NOOOOOOOO!"Karna broke down and fell upon his knees and directly saw the sun

"Why?.... Why?" He asked as he remembered 

We are sorry Jyesth Bratha! We never knew!

You have done a big mistake mother.

Angraaj Karn is our elder brother?

Arjun! Fight with me if you have the guts,

"Shut up! Shut Up!" Karna closed his ears with his hands and he closed his eyes tight.

"Son!" a gentle voice called him from the sky.

Karna could feel the brightness coming closer to him. There stood his father, lord Suryadev with his chariot adorned with gold and pulled by seven horses, just like the colors of the rainbow.

Karna looked up with tears in his eyes.

"Why is this happening to me?" Karna said

Suryadev smiled.

"What happened to you? You seem fit and fine," Suryadev said

"No I am not, I..." Karna wept and brushed off his tear and stood up.

He put his hands in a praying gesture and asked

"Are you my....father?" Karna asked bluntly

"Of course I am! I am your father, who has been seeing you grow up," Suryadev said

Karna lowered his eyes

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Karna asked him

"Karna, there is always a right time to get to know things, and this is the right time," Suryadev said

"No this is not! Why didn't you..." Karna stopped questioning

"Wow this is beautiful!" Karna said in a childish manner as he saw Surya taking his bow in his hands

"Well, Karna, you have to be happy that you are one of the greatest warriors in the whole Aaryavrat," Suryadev said

"And by the way, The Lord Of Karma Shani and Dharmaraj Yama are your brothers," Suryadev said

Karna went blank for a while. He felt elated to see his father in front of him. There were a few moments of silence.

"Am I the elder brother of Prince Yudhistir(Kunti's sons) or his uncle(Father's brother Yama is Karna's brother) ?" Karna asked making Suryadev chuckle.

Karna wept his tears and smiled.

"You always bring happiness around, Pitashree," Karna said

"Not always child...well, it is your attitude that brought your smile back," Suryadev said

Karna smiled again.

"Karna, I know you are worried about the curse Lord Parshuram gave you,"

Karna nodded.

"It was not a curse, son. Many human beings tend to forget knowledge when they get old," Suryadev said

"But I am a demi-god!....if you are really my father," Karna  said making Suryadev smile more,

"You are a part of me. I am known as Mithra because I burn myself to give warmth to the whole world. I give, just like you do, Danveer Karn. Remember, knowledge never gets reduced when it is shared and spread," Suryadev hinted Karna

Karna smiled brightly. 

"Thank You Pitashree!" He said praying him.

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