Chapter 20

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During the next few months, Celine became too scared to leave her room. 

Although the panic attacks had subsided, the after effects of anxiety presented itself. Her body became physically weaker, with her muscles frequently sore and aching in pain. She had also lost considerable weight while losing interest in her usual hobbies. 

How could she feel comfortable when the Emperor of the Zionitte Empire had almost raped her? She was also residing in his own home!

 Fortunately, the Emperor had been forced to attend political meetings and prepare for the Crown Prince's return. He had never called for her again.

Celine also decreased her presence by remaining in her chambers, only leaving to visit the secret pavilion with Zayden. The Second Prince was her only source of comfort during this period of time. When he was by her side, her worries seemed to lessen. Practically speaking, Zayden's familiar was stronger than the Emperor's. If need be, the Second Prince would be able to burn down the palace. This thought alone would immediately soothe her, and she just had to stay out of trouble until the Crown Prince returned. Emperor Michaelis I wouldn't recklessly assault her again if Laith came back. 

As she gradually recovered from her shock, Zayden finally spoke to her about the incident. 

"I'm sorry, Celine..." His eyes were filled with unspeakable pain and grief. He had been self-lamenting and hating his own blood. Even now, Zayden could barely meet her eyes due to his shame. 

Celine, who had been sitting next to her wooden desk, grasped Zayden's face with both of her hands. She pulled him close and forced him to face her.

"Zayden, you aren't responsible for your father's detestable actions. You are not your father nor can you speak for him just because he's related to you by blood. You are your own self, with a separate notions and values. There are many stories where tyrannical Emperors give birth to children who go down as the wisest, and most innovative Emperors in history. So don't apologize. I don't need it. Stop feeling guilty and look at me." Celine gave Zayden her sincerest smile. 

"But I wasn't next to you..." His eyes reminded her of a puppy's droopy eyes.

"Then be next to me in the future." Celine paused before continuing. "Thank you for staying beside me, Zayden."  You saved me from myself. If Zayden hadn't appeared, Celine might've killed herself and never moved on from her past. Because of him, Celine was able to move forward with her life. 

She patted his head, and they smiled at each other lovingly. It was a beautiful, pure scene of two people appreciating each other's presence. 

This world was cruel and dark. Celine was scared, but not lonely. She would never feel lonely anymore. 

Celine had experienced multiple setbacks, but she had overcome her struggles. She didn't want to be anxious and broken, but being a strong, courageous person was also difficult. But if she didn't strive to better herself or remain headstrong, Celine feared that she'd fall apart. Nothing scared her more than drowning in a state of helplessness. Thus, she told herself to be mentally strong and remain positive. To grow as a person, and persevere. 

Overtime, her struggles had been made beautiful. If she hadn't suffered or experienced this pain, she wouldn't be the person she was today. During Celine's recovery, she seemed to completely move on from her past life and calm her anxious heart from the troubles of this life.


One day, Celine woke up to the birds chirping by her windowsill. Hala and Zayden excitedly entered her chambers with a big grin planted on their faces.

"Happy birthday, Celine!" 

To start off her day, she paid a visit to the pavilion. She was accompanied by Hala, Zayden, and Lady Yasna. They were her closest companions, and there was no one else she'd rather spend her birthday with. As they strolled through the gardens and enjoyed the peaceful morning, Celine suddenly felt a familiar tug in her heart.

"Oh my.." She had been yearning for this feeling since her familiar had left for Krastia.

She looked around and finally saw a beautiful dove flying towards her. 

Draco had finally returned. 

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