Chapter 48

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The conversation afflicted Celine more than she thought it would. She was completely somber and feeling rather anguished, as if she had just been broken up with.

Well, we did break up.

She felt slightly melancholy yet the emotions were mixed with excitement for her future. Celine didn't want to look back or think about the Crown Prince again, especially since she would be leaving the Zionitte Empire tomorrow. She tried to push away her guilt, reminding herself that there was nothing she could do now. 

Draco had returned to her side this morning, and there was a home waiting for them in Krastia. Her future was set in stone, and there was no time to sulk!

According to her familiar, her late husband's doppelganger was not an assassin. He was paid to join the attack due to his bigger build. Since his mother was ill, they needed the extra money for medicine. He was currently residing in the outskirts of the capital, waiting to return to Krastia with the help of Celine.

"We're finally leaving, Draco." She exclaimed. She had planned for this exact moment, and the journey had been so long and strenuous. Now, Celine was rather exhausted and couldn't register the idea of leaving when this moment finally arrived. 

Celine truly yearned for modern music to cheer her up on this particular day. Her feet led Celine towards the pavilion, and she hummed the lyrics to one of her favorite songs.

As she approached the garden, Celine looked up to see the cloudy skies and knew it would be pouring soon. She turned around and stopped abruptly, realizing that Zayden was waiting for her in the garden.

There's no way he waited this long.

She quickened her pace as she noticed the outline of a young man. Droplets of rain fell on her cheeks, and the air turned crisp.

"Zayden! Why are you still out here? It's about to rain!" She ran up to her friend. His familiar presence immediately brought her a sense of reassurance. Her worries and stress seemed to dissipate, which alarmed Celine to the point where she stared at Zayden intensely.

"I was only waiting for you." He spoke softly, gazing at the tiny droplets of water on her eyelashes. The light rain began to pour, blurring the surrounding area. However, Celine's silvery hair was luminous and her porcelain skin glistened iridescently. The outline of her colorful eyes penetrated Zayden's soul, as she stood out even in the rain. 

Celine also observed Zayden, completely drenched in the rain. His raven, black hair was completely flattened and covering most of his eyes. Dressed completely in black, Celine could only make out his pale skin and the sharp outline of his narrow jaw.

The rippling sound of the falling rain was deafening as the completely soaked pair never took their eyes off one another and continued to stare wordlessly.

"Do you like me?" Celine finally asked. Her voice was slightly washed out by the sound of rain, yet Zayden could hear her crystal clear.


Celine couldn't hear the rain anymore. The world seemed to pause for her, and Celine sucked in her breath.

". . . Why?"

Zayden paused, flustered by the sudden question. His eyes flickered deeply.

"Because your heart is kind. You took in a pathetic, weak boy like me... You showed me what humans should be like. . . I always learn how to better myself when I'm with you. . . I. . I-" Zayden couldn't find the right words to say and stuttered profusely. Celine noticed the blush forming on his high cheekbones and frowned. 

They were the words she didn't want to hear. The Crown Prince loved her for the same reason. 

"Don't be delusional." Celine interrupted. "You love me because I took care of you? Because I was the only decent human being around you? The right attention during a lonely time can fool you into thinking that they might be the one. You're momentarily confused and mistaking your feelings for me as love. When you grow older, you'll realize that I was more like your teacher."

Celine didn't want to reject Zayden this harshly, yet she didn't want his feelings to grow anymore. She wanted him to stay by her side as a friend. 

Zayden's eyes widened in confusion as he didn't expect to hear such a response. He quickly attempted to refute her words yet didn't know how to respond. He could only look at her with a troubled expression.

"What's wrong with liking someone who was always there for you?"

"That's not what I'm saying. Our age difference, and the fact that I view you as my little brother. . We just can't be together. . . Practically speaking, I can't return your feelings since you are the Second Prince." And I'm the Crown Prince's ex-fiancee who will be kicked out of this country tomorrow.

She couldn't bring herself to tell him what had transpired with the Crown Prince just now. She couldn't ask Zayden to run away with her either. Celine knew he would follow her and that there was no one here who would truly accept him, yet the words refused to leave her mouth. An onset of nervousness overwhelmed her, and the words died at her tongue.

Her cheeks began to redden in embarrassment, as she realized that it would be weird to ask him to follow her to Krastia after thoroughly rejecting him. She told herself that she'd ask tomorrow, hours before her actual departure. 

Little did Celine know that she would later regret not asking Zayden that day. 

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