Chapter 42

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Celine spent the rest of the day in her room, sulking and regretting the hurtful words she had uttered. She also felt bad for yelling at Hala and wanted to apologize, yet both of them seemed to avoid her!

She couldn't bring herself to apologize right away, for she still believed that Prince Zayden shouldn't be the emperor. Not only would the original story come into fruition, but Prince Zayden did not love the Zionitte Empire enough to lead the country wholeheartedly.

She huffed a sigh and continued to remain in her gloomy state. Then, the sound of a light knock perked her ears up. 

"Come in!"

Lady Yasna strided in and ran to Celine.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" They embraced for a long time, and Celine momentarily forgot about her dilemma.

"I'm sorry I haven't stopped by in a while. I was sick and Vigos wanted me to stay in so that the baby wouldn't be harmed." Lady Yasna chirped and held her hands.

"Baby?" Celine widened her eyes.

"Oh yes! I am pregnant, Celine!" Her smile widened, and there was a certain glow reflected off her face.

Celine was astounded and shifted her gaze downwards. Yasna's stomach seemed to show no signs of a bump, although she did seem slightly bloated.

"Congratulations." She smiled meekly.

"Thank you, my dearest friend. We have much to catch up on!"


"I'm just doing what's best for him." Celine finished her side of the story and looked up to see Yasna's sympathetic eyes.

"That man. Don't mind him.. he doesn't know his place, along with my husband." Yasna sighed and placed a hand on her stomach, gently rubbing the spot as if soothing her unborn baby.

They chatted over a warm cup of herbal tea that Celine brewed. She smiled and sipped from her cup, relishing in Yasna's comforting words. Prince Zayden's decision to enter the political world had taken a toll on her friend since Sir Vigos was involved. It seemed as if both women were burdened by the men's ambitions.

Celine smiled warmly as she realized that she wasn't truly alone. "Thank you, Yasna. I feel very lucky and blessed to have found such a wonderful friend like you."

Lady Yasna was momentarily stunned by her friend's unearthly beauty. Her pearly white teeth beamed brilliantly like the moon. Yasna raised her eyebrows and snorted. "I can understand how worried you are, but I am rather surprised that you refused to support the Second Prince."

"Even though I am not the Crown Prince's official fiancee, I won't support a coup d'état." Celine exclaimed. "Zayden didn't even care about politics until recently. He just wants to be powerful so that he answers to no one. His motives are not entirely pure and kingly like Prince Laith. Taking the corrupt, greedy nobles who support the Second Prince into account; the chances of success is low."

"Please don't group my husband into that cluster of chaos. He truly needs to face reality and give up." Yasna languished, emitting a breath of tiredness. "Should I threaten to run away?"

Both women erupted into a hysterical laugh as they found their current situation to be pitiful.

"At least we're on the same boat." Celine didn't know whether she wanted to cry or laugh again.

"Yes. However, your loyalty to the throne still amazes me. Don't you love the Prince Zayden?" Lady Yasna made sure to lower her voice and speak carefully. 

For Celine, Yasna's words felt like a bomb.

"L-love?? Yes, Yasna, I love him. . . like a brother! How can I possibly like someone much younger than me!" She gaped in shock.

Romantically liking Zayden is equivalent to a high schooler crushing on a middle schooler!

"Celine. . . Are you dumb?" Yasna muttered. "It's about time you noticed his feelings for you. Imagine living in hell all your life when all of a sudden, a beautiful person who looks like an angel saves you from death! Your kind heart would've moved the depths of his soul. You are his life. He must be indebted to you and love you very much."

Celine was troubled as she was forced to face the truth with Yasna's valid points. She had practically raised Zayden, teaching him how to speak, read, and live properly. She had watched as the boney face had gradually changed into a handsome young man. His previously scrawny figure that was on the brink of death slowly turned into lean muscles. They had confided with each other to the point where Celine couldn't imagine living without him. They had been living together for so long that Celine didn't consider Zayden's perspective of her.

"I refuse to acknowledge his feelings, for Zayden has never confessed to me. We don't know what he truly thinks or feels." Celine quickly dismissed Yasna, although she felt as if she would burst into tears. She wanted to escape this situation.

Why did Yasna have to bring this topic up? I was better off not knowing. Celine furrowed her brows. The tea in her hand didn't provide any warmth anymore.

"I know how in-control you are of your own feelings. What I said may be speculations, yet the thought doesn't sound so outrageous, correct? You must think about all the possibilities and think ahead. What will you say when he confesses? What will you do when he succeeds the throne and makes you the empress?"

Celine lowered her head. She desperately wished he wouldn't confess. However, someplace in her heart, against her own will; she was already aware of his love towards her.

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