Chapter 8

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"Nearly there" Nicos said from the driver's seat as the car went dark- we had hit a tunnel. We had been driving for 6 hours non stop, Nicos had taken over driving from one of their men after they had driven for 8 hours so he could sleep. I hadn't realised how many of Damian's men had been in my old pack. We were in a convoy of ten cars. I shifted in the leather seat for the hundredth time. Damian pulled me to his lap "We're entering our lands now".

I looked out the window watching rolling fields of crops appear as the car was basked in morning sunlight. Fields were in view as far as the eye could see towards the mountains in the horizon. I craned my neck over Damian's shoulder realising we had just gone through a mountain range.

As if realising what I was looking at Damian explained "Mountains surround our land. You know you hit the edge because you hit a mountain"

"How big is your territory?"

"About 50 square miles... give or take" I sat back a little from him, mouth agape

"How much?!" he chuckled at my reaction

"You can't expect our pack to be as small as yours could you?"

"Well... no but... over 10 times the size?" Damian shrugged

"We need space, immortality brings an irritation with having lots of people around. So our pack is spread out within the confines of our mountains." As if on cue the car slipped past a few houses before entering a woodland that seemed to stretch the entire width of their lands.

I relished in the familiarity "Do you live near the woodland?"

"Yes, I built my home just on the edge so the garden leads right into the trees. I hope you like it, I built it having my mate in mind" he nuzzled his nose against my jaw

"Where do you live Nicos?"

"Only a 5 minute walk away. Couldn't leave my big brother to be completely alone, he'd get himself into mischief" Nicos' amusement was evident, he seemed to like to take the mick out of Damian, but Damian didn't seem to mind that much as he chuckled shaking his head "I've never needed looking after Nicos, it's more you need me. I built my house first after all little one" a small growl reverberated around the car as Damian's words seem to rile Nicos a little before his growl died and he covered it with a humourless laugh.

"We're here" Nicos ground the car to a little too harsh stop. Damian had to pull me closer so I didn't hit my head on the seat "Little warning before you bounce our foreheads against the interior next time" Damian growled as he opened the car door

"Only wanted to knock some sense into you" Nicos turned in his seat to look back "Now get out so I can see my dearly beloved because I can smell her and she smells divine." Damian rolled his eyes pushing me gently out the car before he stepped out himself "I do wish you'd remember I'm your Alpha"

"Only out of these mountains brother. Bye!" the car sped off giving me only one sight... Damian's house. I gasped.

It was the size of the Alpha, Beta and Gamma houses put together. The only thing that will make me call it a log cabin is that it's made out of logs... but it was closer to a mansion. Sleeper pillars held up a huge balcony that wrapped around the main house. The ground floor was smaller than the rest of the log cabin. Windows gave the impression there were no walls, showing a gym, office and lounge area separated by bookshelves.

I didn't wait for an invitation. I walked right up to the ground floor... realising I wasn't sure where a door was as there didn't appear to be one. Damian came up behind me and pushed the glass which instantly swivelled on its axis. He stopped the window/door's movement before it hit me. "They all open apart from the corners, I like to be open to nature particularly when I'm working." I nod, I could understand that. "When did you build it?"

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