Chapter 15

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A loud bang made me jump, I hadn't realised I'd drifted off, the water was still hot so it couldn't have been that long. "You scared me, you didn't respond." Damian strode into the bathroom, worry lined his face. "I nodded off," I looked away from him. I wasn't mad anymore but he'd still upset me. Part of me still wanted to be angry, and maybe I should have been but as soon as I saw him, the anger melted. "I didn't know how to bring it up... I was going to tell you. I'm sorry, I should have told you straight away... I know it's important to a lot of people... it was important to me."

Damian stripped and nudged me forward in the bath, sliding in behind me and pulling me onto his lap "It just shocked me... I wasn't expecting it." he held me close to him and my face found the crook of his neck "I didn't mean to upset you... it's why this is a curse" I nodded against him "But I've got you... do you forgive me?"

"I suppose it's not your fault... you didn't ask to be pupless," I muttered against his warm skin. His head dropped onto my neck as he began sniffing and nuzzling "You're perfect," he whispered kissing my shoulder then my neck. He trailed kisses up before I stopped him "I don't really-"

"It's OK, I'm not expecting you to today, not after that." I nodded, happy he understood, before dropping my head back down. "What did that Fae do to me?" I felt Damian shuffle under me

"He searched through your memories... he wanted to know if we had made you immortal or you were a mate."


"Because we pissed them off royally and had to make a treaty. We can't turn anyone or accept anyone else into our pack unless they are a mate."


"There are lots of things we don't tell the packs. It's for their own safety and our own. They can't know of our weaknesses that's why we developed a reputation. We interfere when it's bad... no other reason and we're often ruthless with our decisions when it comes to packs." I nodded, I could understand that "I should have punished Jeremy for his insolence but I was too preoccupied."

"Just forget about it," I didn't really want to see what his punishment would look like so I would prefer to keep those thoughts out of Damian's head.

The bathwater started to cool down so I shifted, lifting myself out of the deep bath, a small growl greeted me from behind when I was standing to the side. I turn around to face him, his eyes fully blue and a lustful look over her features. "You're teasing," his voice husky

"I just got out of the bath... not my fault you're a perv," another quiet growl escaped him, so I decided to have a little fun.

I grabbed the towel and started drying myself painfully slow. I dried my legs and parted them so I knew what view Damian was getting. "Stop it," his breathing raspy

"I'm only drying off," I tried to keep the amusement out of my voice. I dipped my face so he couldn't see my smirk as I trailed the towel up my body. "You know exactly what you're doing," and I heard the movement of water before I was swept off my feet. And I wasn't very dry anymore as his wet body carried me to the bedroom "You can't tease and expect to get off scot-free," he growled as he threw me onto the bed, covering my body with his.


The next day I was exploring the house finally. It really was a house of dreams, everything in its place, and perfectly designed. I found the utility room which made me happy... could wash my clothes. I lost myself for a few hours in a games room, Damian had arcade games! It took me a while to work some of them out but I was getting good... Apart from when my character died and I burst into tears. I hadn't a clue why, it was a little dramatic... I stood in the middle of the room balling and blubbering. Strong arms wrapped around me, turning me to face him "What's wrong my love?"

The End of the OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now