Chapter 21

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I walked along the now familiar path to the stone cottage, the flowers in the window boxes dancing in the small breeze that fluttered around the valley. I opened the red front door making my way to the living room "Eva!"

"Allianna? They live!" I shouted. It was the first time I'd seen her since she had found Ash.

"Eva I presume?" the blond-haired man that was attached to Allianna spoke.

"Hello, you must be Ash, I only saw the back of your head last time." He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand

"Yeah, sorry about that... Alli has explained but... still can't believe how out of control I was." I looked into his bright blue eyes and smiled

"Nothing to apologise about, being mated to an original is intense... I didn't stop crying for a week. I cried that it rained, I cried when Damian came home, when he left... think I'd have taken sex for two solid weeks." Ash laughed embarrassedly, Allianna blushed.

"So, Eva, what do we owe the pleasure?" Nicos asked, walking in to the living room from the kitchen

"Oh! Yeah" I'd forgotten why I came "Damian wants me to organise the Luna ceremony... I have no idea how you do it..." I admitted, I wanted to discuss it with Iris more than anything as she'd probably been through the same before. "Typical, he lands you with a job and tells you nothing!" Nicos exclaimed.

"It should be similar to mine, but you'll be the High Luna, so we need to make it a little more special." Iris walked in behind me and sat on one of the leather sofas. Nicos sat next to her pulling her closer to him so he could hug her. I made myself comfortable in the leather armchair feeling like I was playing gooseberry.

"Do we invite other packs?" I queried, looking at the two couples.

"Yes... you're their High Luna, they should see you crowned. Allianna, can you ask the Fae? They respond to you better than I or Damian," Nicos asked

"I can do that... I can be back by tomorrow," Allianna announced.

"The Fae?" Ash asked,

"I'll explain on our way, you're coming with me!" My eyes widened at her pronouncement

"He can't go!" I rushed out "They'll do that thing to him!" I exclaimed remembering what happened to me.

"I'll sort that, come on baby," she declared confidently as she stood, Ash's hand in hers

"Take someone with you sis!" Nicos demanded to her, she nodded and left, leaving me with Iris and Nicos.

"So what do I need to think of?" So many questions ran through my head.

"Nothing, we'll sort it, I'm going to take you shopping for a dress. Nicos is going to get his butt to Damian and organise, it shouldn't all be up to us!" Iris grabbed my hand yanking me to my feet. "I'm so excited!" Iris exclaimed.

We spent the rest of the afternoon discussing the ceremony, what would happen and what I'd wear. We giggled, we laughed, we chatted about anything and everything. All-round we had a fun afternoon. "I'm glad Damian found you." Iris stretched over the sofa.


"... Don't tell Nicos, but it was sometimes a bit lonely. Yeah there was Allianna, but she's still their sibling. I can't talk sex with her. I can't complain because he's her brother."

"Aww Iris..." I leapt up and dove on her, pulling her into a hug. She laughed, squeezing me "Got me now, buddy!" I had to admit, I enjoyed her company too, I'd never had female friends. I'd always found other females annoying and preferred the company of males. Not that I had any male friends at my last pack. Yeah I was a bit of a loner.

The End of the OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now