5. To A Start Of New Life.

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After the warn-filled talk from her mother in law, Avni expected a piece of peace for the rest of the day and how unfortunate can she be that Aniruddh kept avoiding her? He would literally glare at her every second their eyes meet making her scowl. What now? She has even shared a part of her past with him! What can be wrong anymore? 

Before she could get a chance to confront him regarding his bipolar mood swings, they got an important task at hand. A bus to catch around eight, so she had to become busy packing her clothes and cosmetics in a haste. Avni quickly pulled out her perfume bottles from the last drawer of  the mirror stand and placed them carefully in her trolley as she tried to empty her drawers again, but this time her fingers stopped at a photo frame. 

This picture was taken on her graduation ceremony, her face glowed with happiness as her eyes shone in the joy of finally having a certificate in her arms while her parents kept praising her for topping the university. Unknowingly a heavy sigh left her mouth as she wiped the dust away with hands placing it in her trolley. 

Maybe Aniruddh can be angry that she has never told him about why she doesn't want to work? Or can there be another reason? But how will she ever know until and unless he talks about what has upset him?

"Avni!" Pramela peeked inside, almost startling Avni as she walked in with teacups in her hands, "Here, this might be the last cup of tea you might be able to drink at this house." 

Avni rolled her eyes with frustration as she took the cup and stood by the window glancing outside. The climate was no more gloomy and rainy, it was bright and warm, just like how she prefers. Could this climate change have angered Aniruddh? 

"So, " Pramela scooted closer to her as she curiously asked with a huge smile, "What did your mother-in-law had to talk about?" 

Instead of replying she raised her hand up showing the golden band on her ring finger. But Pramela needed every detail of the situation to create an image, so Avni could do nothing but describe the entire scene with her mother in law and how her husband went back to the stage of giving her a cold shoulder. 

"So he is being a little unresponsive?" Pamela questioned as she scratched her neck slowly. 

"No, he is being hostile! Like he won't even smile for god's sake!"

"What if his mother said something to him?" Pamela suggested as she sipped on the hot tea.

"No way. I don't actually think that can never be possible, he actually tried to help me at the temple when I was making the situation worse-" 

Pramela scoffed before placing her white teacup on the wooden stand as she spoke, "Don't ever imagine that, if your husband is a mama's boy then it's all done! Your tricks for an upper hand will work! My husband turns into an emotional fool if he sees his mother in tears and takes up to a step of announcing her every mistake as right." 

Avni's eyebrows locked together as she tried to understand, Radha actually looked very protective and rigid. Can it be possible that she might have complained about her to him? 

"So what should I do now? You know to-"

"Seduce him?" Pamela giggles as she twirls around in her place teasing her cousin. 

"No! To get him to speak up and to be a normal couple." Hotness pooled in her cheeks as she shouted contradicting her words. 

"Well for that, " Pramela placed her hands around Avni's shoulders, smiling ear to ear as she spoke, "You will have to understand each other." 

"How?" Avni asked a little confused sewing her stupid smile. 

"Simple. Allure him into a trap using your charm." 

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