6. Reaching Home

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Through the one-side covered window of the bus, bright morning rays tickled Avni's face as she tried to distance herself away from the position, but a heavy hand on her waist made her stay put in her place widening her eyes in shock, she tried to stretch her legs but to no Avail as Aniruddh was weighing his heavy leg over hers, blocking her every move.

Struggling for freedom she gave up eventually, the sleeping space was tiny enough and just in case if she used her strength to kick him off her, he might just trip and fall down. 

He was sleeping so peacefully for a person who created a wall between them with a tiny pillow last night, Avni smirked as she now understood why he had done that. He must have had bad sleeping positions probably.

And soon after what it seemed like an eternity, Aniruddh shifted in his place and Avni understood that he would be waking up any minute now. She slowly shifted in her position to face him as she bit her inner cheek to prevent herself from laughing out loud imagining his reaction, and when Aniruddh opened his eyes Avni smiled at him wishing him a good morning. 

"Good-What the hell?" Aniruddh freaked out seeing Avni's face close to his, so close that he could see a tiny invisible mole near her right ear, and just like that his heart reacted faster than him by drumming out loud at the intimacy. 

"There is no good hell, and also I am suggesting respectfully to remove your leg before I kick you." Avni's face glowed with fierceness as she challenged him to contradict her words and she expected him to feel guilty and detach himself from her but unexpectedly Aniruddh scoffed loudly rolling his eyes. 

And just like that he captured Avni's attention within seconds, this has to be the first time that she has ever seen him roll his eyes and that too, at her? Wah must be a miracle happening. 

"You are like a pig in a field full of mud, you keep tossing and turning and torturing me! I could barely catch a wink of sleep-" 

And this was Avni's turn to roll her eyes as a look of disbelief crossed her face, she narrowed down her eyes at Aniruddh as she interrupted him, "Seriously, stop lying for god's sake! I sleep so still and stiff! I would never-" 

"Oh really? Then wait for a second, " Saying Aniruddh slowly touched his lower waist and after wincing in pain, he lifted his blue shirt up a little to allow Avni to have a look at his wound and Avni's eyes immediately widened in excitement as she sees him lifting his shirt with a faint crimson colour painting her cheeks. 

"Look at this!" Aniruddh exclaimed loudly as he pointed at the red wound on above his hip and when Avni finally noticed it, she snapped out of her dreamland with concern regarding the fresh wound on his stomach.

"What happened?" Asking, involuntarily her fingers grazing over his red rash like a wound. 

"You! You hit me there with your ankle in sleep, all night I had to wake up to save myself from your kicks! Oh sweet lord, are you a Buffalo in human form or what?" 

Avni definitely felt guilty, but she can't let him win over an argument that she had no control over. Gathering all of her strength Avni tried to maintain calm as she semi-shouted at him. 

"I am never ever sleeping beside you! You-" Aniruddh began speaking frustrated.

"Okay! Done. I never begged you to sleep beside me." 

"Wh-what? You- fine, fine you-" 

A loud bang on their side of the partition near their headrest almost startled them, and after a good round of two bangs, the person finally shouted. 

"To the newly married couple on berth number 59, you are requested to keep your love spats low!!" 

A loud voice reached their ears making Aniruddh realise, about what he was doing, he never does this! Let alone fight on a public bus! Narrowing his eyes at Avni he quickly glanced outside the window. 

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